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Opinion on Derby Blades

I am kinda new to Wet shaving. I use a feather stainless and sometimes an old gilette. What is your opinion on Derby blades, I bought a 100 pack.

So far I have used Feather, Derby and "Double Edge" brand from the supermarket. They seem similar to me :bored:
The ones with the logo running horizontal with the long sides are good. I use them. The ones with the vertical logo have had some complaints around here.
If you seach "Derby" it brings up 10 pages of threads, enough reading to keep you busy for a couple of hours. Pretty much every thing that can be said about Derby blades has been said in those threads.
I for one like ALL the Derby blades and it's a great company based in Occupied Constantinople.

When I was taken by the Chinese Blade Pirates and sold a horde of Could Be Lord Blades which had not even been sharpened the good men of Derby took it upon themselves to right the wrong of others and GAVE me 100 of their blades :thumbup1: I support them.
But on a more serious note I've been DE shaving for over a year with nothing but Derbys and have nothing but praise for them.
Tried 2 blades and both times the shave went well, but afterwards on both occasions, my face felt like it had been rubbed by stinging nettles. Never again. YMMV.
Tried 2 blades and both times the shave went well, but afterwards on both occasions, my face felt like it had been rubbed by stinging nettles. Never again. YMMV.

That happens with a gillete fusion with me. After the shave its fine but about 20 minutes later its horrible.
I have used Derby blades quite often, and have found them to be quite good (as long as they are not the Derby Verticals; those tend to rip my face up). :tongue_sm
The vertical Derbys make me prone to ingrown hairs on my neck. I have no idea why. They are the only blade I've used so far that leave me with noticable ingrown issues on my neck. The horizontal Derbys do not seem to cause this problem for me. Maybe it is all in my head, dunno.:confused1
How do I know if I have horizontal or vertical derbys

Derby Horizontals:


Derby Verticals:


The newest product, Derby Orange:

I've been using Derby for several months and no complaints. I make three to four passes per shave, and change out blade every week. It's not the sharpest but surely, the cheapest.
I have used both vertical and horizontal blades and didn't notice substantial differences; I dislike them both very much.

My dad on the other hand used them both, can't tell the difference either and likes them very much.

So if you like them, good for you.
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