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Open vs Closed combs

I know I've seen posts talking about this issue before but my search doesn't seem to find the answer I'm looking for. What I would like to know is if there is any benefit in using one style over the other?
The benefit for me is a better shave with open combs. And SE open combs the best of all. But your technique has to be up for it

Kind of like stiffer skis, great if your skiing is up to it, otherwise stick to the soft ones. Won't perform as well in theory but may perform better for a given person.

Can't go wrong buying a shaving grade NEW or Old Style and working with it for a few months. Angle and pressure, angle and (no) pressure.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
The main benefit that I can think of. Teeth marks from the open comb if your angle is off. The lather is picked up by the blade not the safety bar like a closed comb.

Other than that, different open comb are different models of DE only. Like closed comb, there are mild and aggressive open combs...
Thanks guys. It sounds like it's mostly a preference thing so I guess I'll have to pick one up and see if its for me.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Thanks guys. It sounds like it's mostly a preference thing so I guess I'll have to pick one up and see if its for me.

Yes, but then, if you don't like one, you might like another one... It's like changing a Superspeed blue tip for a Superspeed red tip. Similar but not the same.

Try a Gillette NEW to start with and give an Old Type a chance...
this is a slightly tangential observation, but the use of the term "closed comb" cracks me up. Once you close it up, it's not a comb anymore, right?:lol: It becomes a safety bar.

I guess it's kind of awkward to say "open comb versus safety bar," though.

Oh, well. Carry on.:blush:
I first tried an open comb razor more than a year after I switched to wet shaving. I find the Gillette New and New Improved razors to give me as close a shave as anything I've ever tried and I use them frequently. As mentioned earlier, the open comb razors really help you improve your technique. When you have the correct blade angle, you don't get a trail of teeth marks. After using my open comb razors for several weeks, I found that my shaves with a Superspeed, Rocket or Diplomat were all much better. I would encourage anyone to try one of the New or New Improved Gillettes; both for the great shaves they provide and the immediate feedback they provide regarding good shaving technique.
this is a slightly tangential observation, but the use of the term "closed comb" cracks me up. Once you close it up, it's not a comb anymore, right?:lol: It becomes a safety bar.

I guess it's kind of awkward to say "open comb versus safety bar," though.

Oh, well. Carry on.:blush:

There does seem to be a closed comb, if one really want to be specific, which is not synonymous with "safety bar". An example would be the type of guard found on a Gem 1912, as classified by Robert K. Waits. What he refers to as a "modified comb" I've also called a closed comb, but I'll defer to his authority. So, it's quite possible the OP did, in fact, not mean "open comb versus safety bar". All this does get pretty pedantic for some of us, though.
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Definitely try another if the first one does not work for you.. I have a Gillette Old Type and New Type. I can't stand shaving with the Old type but my wife and daughter love it for their legs and I find the New type shaves quite nicely.
Why is it that everytime I come onto this site I leave telling myself I need something else? Alright. I'm going to have to get a NEW and Old Type now. :biggrin1:
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