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Open Comb Technique Help!

I believe I am failing in my effort to master the Open Comb. I received a Cadet T-27 (long handle) from a member here last week. While, I have been able to get relatively close shaves I have not been successful in completing a shave without nicks or weepers. I think I have adjusted my pressure (just about no pressure) but I am still struggling with blade angle, specifically with the chin and neck areas.... anywhere that the geometry changes. I have not had a nick or even a weeper using any of my safety bar razors, even adjustables at high settings.

I am open to advice. Is it the nature of the Cadet blade exposure? The handle length may be giving me some trouble. Is there something I can adjust to find success with the Cadet or would I possible be better off with a Gillette New or Fatip? Or, am I woefully OC-challenged?

Any advice or encouragement will be greatly appreciated!
For starters, we need more info - how long have you been DE shaving, what is your prep/lather/technique, etc.

Having said that, I found Gillette News to be considerably friendlier and at least as effective. But, as always, YMMV.

I highly doubt that you are OC-challenged, as it's just a comb vs a safety bar. If you can shave well with a safety bar/closed comb, then it's simply finding an OC that matches with your technique/face. If you haven't been able to shave well (closely and without irritation/nicks/cuts) then that's a more complex answer.
Sorry Gents... I have been DE shaving for 22 months. My prep is very standard: Shower, wash face, face-lather mainly with a boar (several kinds) using mostly soaps (MWF, Tabac, Mike's, Cella, Arko, Palmolive). I re-lather between passes and typically use a 3-pass (WTG, XTG, ARG) and whatever touch-up is needed. I use a variety of blades but my go-to blades are Astra SP and Personna blue/labs. I was using a fresh Personna with the Cadet. Kinda wondering how the Astra would fair in the aggressive razor. As for technique, I have fairly well figured out my other razors and use light pressure with whatever blade angle seems right. I'm really thinking that the Cadet so far has me stumped on blade angle.

I get great, close, comfortable shaves with any of my safety bar razors (mostly vintage Gillette Tech, Super Speeds, Slim, Fat Boy. After the rocky week with the Cadet I went back to a '57 Super Speed and, voila, I'm back to nick-free comfortable DFS/BBS shaves.

I'm really liking the idea of a New but I thought the deal on the Cadet was to good to pass and thought it might be a good way to start with an OC. Maybe it is just a little aggressive to start with. I'm still in the hunt for a user grade New. I like your comment about matching an OC to my own technique and face.
I have a Cadet I use with mild blades, but tend to prefer my other razors. One thing that works for me and might work for you... I tend to save the Cadet for shaves that have had a day or two extra growth. It may just be psychological, but it seems the open comb works better when the beard is a bit longer. 'Course, all razors seem to work better on the second day between shaves.

That all said, it may just be a razor that doesn't work for you. Luckily, didn't cost a lot, and there are enough people interested in trying open combs that I suspect you can get easily find a buyer...
May I pile on here? I have a different open-comb technique question.
After more than 45 years of DE shaving I acquired my first open-comb razor; a gorgeous little Feather (?) Travel kit from elmerwood, see here:
My first three shaves with it (with a Feather blade, too) were wonderful, but the tiny handle was less than ideal for constant use so I added an Ikon Bulldog to the head for the fourth shave and it was a superb feeling shave in that configuration, however, an inch-long weeper that I did not feel presented itself. I looked at the razor and discovered the blade had canted slightly in the head when I screwed on the Bulldog - not a lot, but visible to the naked eye. Is this common? Is the alignment of the blade in a three-piece open-comb a must-check part of the set-up? Or might it be that the two pieces of the head have lost their tight fit over the years?
Inquiring minds, you know...

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I believe I am failing in my effort to master the Open Comb. I received a Cadet T-27 (long handle) from a member here last week. While, I have been able to get relatively close shaves I have not been successful in completing a shave without nicks or weepers. I think I have adjusted my pressure (just about no pressure) but I am still struggling with blade angle, specifically with the chin and neck areas.... anywhere that the geometry changes. I have not had a nick or even a weeper using any of my safety bar razors, even adjustables at high settings.

I am open to advice. Is it the nature of the Cadet blade exposure? The handle length may be giving me some trouble. Is there something I can adjust to find success with the Cadet or would I possible be better off with a Gillette New or Fatip? Or, am I woefully OC-challenged?

Any advice or encouragement will be greatly appreciated!

A Cadet is NOT an ideal first OC razor as it is very aggressive and occassionally tempermental. I love mine, but use it rarely and respect it greatly. The other razors in your rotation are mild or medium, so it makes sense that an aggressive razor might give you a bit of trouble. The Cadet will take some time to get used to.
I agree with Teppanyaki, buy a Gillette NEW. They are much more forgiving. Some day, I hope you will come back to the Cadet and give it another run. It is an amazing razor for such a low price.
I re-named my Cadet Hannibal in honor of the famous cannibal. Only recently have I managed to get through a 3-pass shave unscathed with it so I feel your pain. My only tip is to keep working with it. When it comes to the New all I can say is go for it. I just completed a week of shaves with one I traded for and I love it. The Cadet is still around and will still get a spot in my rotation but my new New, a Berkshire, is wonderful and I would recommend you give one a try.
I looked at the razor and discovered the blade had canted slightly in the head when I screwed on the Bulldog - not a lot, but visible to the naked eye. Is this common? Is the alignment of the blade in a three-piece open-comb a must-check part of the set-up? Or might it be that the two pieces of the head have lost their tight fit over the years?

If the blade canting only occurs with the Bulldog handle I would blame how the handle fits into the baseplate (I can't fit a wide necked handle onto my New long comb to where it seats properly). If the blade canting occurs with the original handle as well, then I'd suspect there is a problem with the cap or baseplate.

Beyond that, I'm clueless.
Thank you all! I am taking all this advice to heart. I am finding that shallow angle and ridiculously light pressure helps. I agree that the Cadet was not the best beginner OC for me. But, I don't think I will moth-balls or rush to sell now. I have been yearning for a New and that is my goal now. I will go that direction and then hopefully break out the Cadet once in awhile for another careful go. Maybe try a milder blade. Again, thanks for the helpful and experienced advice. I love this forum!
I recently got an old type Gillette Open Comb, and it totally changed my shaving experience.

I had been using a 1948 Super Speed.

I have been shaving for 31 years, and for the first time neck irritation is going away.

Switching to a DE from carts helped, but the open comb was a major step forward.

Is that common?
+1. You definitely want to start with the cap on your face, then lower down until you just get blade contact. That's going to be the ideal angle for this, and most OC's.

In general, use a shallower angle. Make it so more of the cap is touching your face. Nice light touch.
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