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Open comb reco...

I'm looking to purchase a new open comb and can find no clear winner after reading the reviews.

For more than a year I have only used closed comb razors (Merkurs and Gillettes). However, recently I purchased a "Grand Shave King" open comb razor at an antique store and I love it! It's a totally different experience. I love the sound and feel of this razor, but it is not aggressive at all. Maybe less aggressive than a Tech (if that's possible)!

So I'm looking to purchase a new open comb that's represents the open comb world a little better. Any suggestions? Is there a benchmark open comb razor out there? One that will rival that great shaves I get from my vintage Slant?
I just picked up a Merkur 15C OC the other day from West Coast Shaving. Cost me less than $30 with shipping. I'm really liking it so far.
The Gillette NEW!

It aint new, but as close to a benchmark one can get IMO, & one mean shaver :thumbup1:

Right on! I think these are great shavers. Not too mild, but not overly aggressive. You can find them cheap too, usually under $15 bucks for a decent (maybe not pretty) one.
the gillette new!

It aint new, but as close to a benchmark one can get imo, & one mean shaver :thumbup1:

+1 -- I didn't expect to love mine the way I do, but it's been treating me so well. And hey, you can find cased NEWs for under $25 sometimes, so it's certainly economical.
Ok guys, i'm in the same boat as the OP. Had my first open comb experience with my 1920 Old Type yesterday and love it. So i have a little question:

Are there any modern open combs that shave like the Old and NEW types?

I'm sorry if this is considered hijacking the threat but i thought it would be a valid question to ask.
I recommend the Weber razor. It is open comb, shaves very much like the New, is made in the USA and is all stainless steel. The cost on Ebay is $55 plus $5 shipping. I have been shaving with mine for almost a week and just ordered a second one. The razor is very new so does not have many reviews yet.

I agree with those who say the New gives a great shave. I would use mine more but it is in such great condition, I feel guilty using it. I'd hate to do anything that ruins the gold plating.
I dunno - When I first started looking at open combs - I felt as though there were a lot of great options. The Merkur 11 or 12c, the new muhle R41, cooncat Bob's New OC's with bull dog handles - a few OC Stainless steel options out there now....

I personally love the open combs.

I think Muhle does a fantastic job, at par with the New.


And there's a new one with my favourite black handle!

I have no problems recommending these!

Ok guys, i'm in the same boat as the OP. Had my first open comb experience with my 1920 Old Type yesterday and love it. So i have a little question:

Are there any modern open combs that shave like the Old and NEW types?

I'm sorry if this is considered hijacking the threat but i thought it would be a valid question to ask.

No, this isn't hijacking, I was torn between vintage and modern. But have now decided to try one of each! The responses clearly show that the NEW is a winner in the vintage category...and a bargain at that. Now for the modern OC.

I'm seeing love for the Muhles, but they're pretty expensive and I've seen some threads here that clearly indicate the heads are the same as Merkur's. Any more advice regarding modern OCs?
Have to agree with the lovers of the Gillette New! I got one recently and it is my first open comb.
I bought it with another razor, so the seller only charged me $10, and it's a real beauty! On top of that, the shave is amazing! This razor is close to 80 years old and it's becoming my go to razor! It's hard to beat that Gillette New when you are looking for an open comb razor.

Sure, Merkur and Muhle make some nice open comb razors, but when you compare the cost, buying vintage is a no brainer!
Speaking of cooncat Bob........one of my favorite razors is this Amboyna Burl handled NEW. It is the best of both worlds, a modern handle on a 1930 shaving head. I love its classy style.

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I'm not a big fan of OC razors. A few months ago, I purchased a Merkur 23C razor from the Amazon site. It was listed as a Merkur 180 on the site. After it arrived, I found it to be an really excellent mild razor. I liked it so much that I ordered another as a gift for my son. The vendor who listed the "Merkur 180" on the second purchase shipped me a Merkur 25C which is a twin of the 23 C except for the fact it is an open comb model. When I found I could not return it, I gave it a try. The razor gave just as good a shave as the 23 C and was just as mild. As a quality, well made and relatively inexpensive razor, I have no hesitation in recommending either razor. Although open comb razors have the reputation of being aggressive, the 25 C was every bit as mild as the 23 C.

The reason I don't like the open combs is purely subjective. I don't like the "feel" of an open comb on my skin. The 25 C has not changed that. That having been said, the 25 C is an extremely nice razor and a real bargain for the price.

I hope this helps you.
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