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Open comb advice, suggestions???

I come to you for a bit of advice. So far I have been shaving with mostly a Merkur 34-C and it has been giving me fantastic shaves. I used a tech some but it didn't seem to give very close shaves. (technique issues probably) I managed to work my way through some adjustables as well but I keep going back to the HD.

I really want to try out some open-comb razors next and I would take any suggestions you can offer me as to what type. I searched through a few antique stores lately but have been unable to find anything to fit the bill.

Just to make it a little more complex I seem to prefer heavier razors, with short handles. Not sure if this really matters or not...

Oh and please, PLEASE, do not say a vintage bull mastiff because even though I drool every time I see one I don't think it is in the budget. (little hard to find as well)

Ahh yes and some obligatory razor porn. :biggrin:
I have 2 open combs, and one on the way, all from Merkur.

The way I use them is when I have a 3 day or more growth of beard. I find that their able to get at the whiskers better when the whiskers are that long, because the blade sits closer to the skin. I've found that the straight bar, even though a good shave is possible, tends to ride over the beard. For every day or every other day shaves, the straight bar works best for me. :tongue: :wink: :biggrin:
Sounds like you need to try a New Improved. They'll be packaged as Bostonians, New Standards, Richwoods, etc. Put out a WTB in the B/S/T forum.
Well what IS your price range? With that we could provide better suggestions! As an aside, Bob's Razor Works Bull Mastiff (replated NEW head) is my daily shaver and favorite open comb razor.
You can score a nice NEW on e-bay for under $20 and you can increase the weight of the common Bar handle by inserting strips of solder down the spindle hole.
BTW. There's no such thing as a vintage Bull Mastiff.:lol:
You can score a nice NEW on e-bay for under $20 and you can increase the weight of the common Bar handle by inserting strips of solder down the spindle hole.
BTW. There's no such thing as a vintage Bull Mastiff.:lol:

I was thinking this myself, I'm pretty sure he meant vintage Bulldog. An easy mistake :rolleyes:
Well what IS your price range? With that we could provide better suggestions! As an aside, Bob's Razor Works Bull Mastiff (replated NEW head) is my daily shaver and favorite open comb razor.

I guess around $40-50 something like that, I don't mind the price if it works out
I'll end up keeping it forever.

You can score a nice NEW on e-bay for under $20 and you can increase the weight of the common Bar handle by inserting strips of solder down the spindle hole.
BTW. There's no such thing as a vintage Bull Mastiff.:lol:

Sorry "Bulldog"... :blushing:

I do like the looks of that NEW improved though :001_tongu
I've got a NEW that I was pondering selling. Shoot me a PM if interested and I'll make you a deal. Gotta help a home town boy out.

BTW, what part of town are you in?


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
A Gillette NEW with a Bull Mastiff isn't that bad and would be a good investment! If you are looking at something a bit cheaper. Merkur Open Comb is quite good.

If I have to pick, I'm going with the Bull Mastiff
I like the New Improved, and the open comb TTO's I've tried have been good. The New is a fine razor, too.

I'm currently using an ABC pocket, and for some reason it just clicks for me.
Was looking at Bull Mastiff handles and now I see there are long and short tooth options.
AAAaaaahhhhhh more choices...

They are some amazing looking handles though, and it looks like they will take the NEW head or the Merkur head so that would be good too. Some good advice so far guys thanks so much.

Anyone else care to weigh in? I really appreciate it.
I've only got limited experience with different vintage Gillettes, but I was astounded at the shave got from a recently acquired Old Type. I only really shave every 3 days and I think it's my new favorite razor after my vintage Pomco slant and open comb '34 aristocrat.
Sounds like you need to try a New Improved. They'll be packaged as Bostonians, New Standards, Richwoods, etc. Put out a WTB in the B/S/T forum.
This is the one I'd suggest as well. Nice heft, smooth shaver, rewards good technique. Works with most any blade.
I just received a custom composite handle with replated NEW head from cooncatbob about a week ago. Being a newb myself and having only shaved with it twice so far (I'm an every-other-day shaver) I can't really speak about it in comparison to other open combs...

What I can tell you is that, as someone who also prefers things - fountain pens, cutlery, hobby knives, hand tools, etc. - on the heavier side, it fits the bill perfectly. Not to mention Bob's craftsmanship is pretty amazing.

If his Bull Mastiff comes in at a similar weight to his composites, and the price is at or near your budget, you may seriously want to consider it.
OK so we're down to New improved or one of Bob's Bull mastiffs with a NEW head. At least that narrows the playing field quite a bit. Looks like new improved aren't really growing on trees either so I may be sensing a Bull Mastiff in my future.

Thanks for all the suggestions guys! I really do appreciate it

Why not both? I know, I'm evil... The New Improved may not grow on trees, but they do sell daily on eBay (I just received another yesterday, a cased 1924 Big Fellow). Or, there's the BST here, place a WTB or just be vigilant (and quick) and you'll score one.

BTW, did I miss where you eliminated the Old Type? Something to be said for having and using Gillette's first mass marketed design. And it was good enough for the first 18 years or so of production.

Bob's work looks great too, I sense a handle from him in my future :wink:.
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Well I do like the Old Type look, but from what I have read it seems like people say they are not very close shavers. I would like to have one for the den, but right now I am looking for a daily user.


They can be close shavers. Because of the no blade gap and odd blade angle, it takes more practice. A good head shaver.

Well I do like the Old Type look, but from what I have read it seems like people say they are not very close shavers. I would like to have one for the den, but right now I am looking for a daily user.
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