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One year on B and B!

I just noticed that I've been a member for a year this month. I started shaving with a DE about two years ago, it was a Shave Factory brand from Sally Beauty. It wasn't until I joined this site though, that I learned so much about shaving and actually started enjoying myself. Before I joined B&B, I didn't know what a shave den was, or ever thought I would shave with a straight. I never would have heard of brands like Merkur, Proraso, Floid, TOBS, or Shavemac. This forum has taken something that all men HAVE to do and turned it into something I look forward to do. The best part is that there are plenty of awesome people around here that have the same hobby as me (though my wife calls it an obsession). We learn much from one another and read each other's posts daily to get ideas on what our next acquisition will be. I want to thank all you B&B'ers. Without you I would only have one boring old razor and use canned goo. Instead I have enough toys to honestly use a different combination of products for each shave for the rest of my days! Thanks again everyone!

Congrats to you for your one year on B&B. I haven't been on that long, but I do feel a part of this group.
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