Last week, one of my fraternity brothers mentioned on Facebook that he was looking for a double edge razor so he could shave his righteous beard and participate in Movember. I asked him what type of razor he was looking at, and he posted that he was looking at the razor endorsed by Rick Harrison. I decided to hook him up in the spirit of our college fraternity and that of B&B. I got his mailing address and sent him 2 sticks of Arko (no hating), packs of GSBs, 7 O'Clock Blacks, Personna Blues, Astra SPs, a couple Feathers, and a pack of my Schick Plus Platinums. I wasn't sure of the quality of the pawn shop razor, so I sent along a flare tip Super Speed. My only regret is that I didn't have a brush to send him.
I gave him a few pointers, which was everything that I wish I would have realized before I started, but quickly picked up from reading here. Tonight was his first shave, and by his account it was a resounding success. No brush was used, but he was damn happy with his results, and I think we have a new convert to shaving with a DE razor.
I didn't come here to toot my own horn (not that anyone else is going to do it), but I would like to thank everyone here for the information that not only improved my shaves, but allowed me to help my brother.
Thank you, B&B!
I gave him a few pointers, which was everything that I wish I would have realized before I started, but quickly picked up from reading here. Tonight was his first shave, and by his account it was a resounding success. No brush was used, but he was damn happy with his results, and I think we have a new convert to shaving with a DE razor.
I didn't come here to toot my own horn (not that anyone else is going to do it), but I would like to thank everyone here for the information that not only improved my shaves, but allowed me to help my brother.
Thank you, B&B!