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One blade fits trac11/atra razors

I recently purchased 2 Contour(Atra) handles from a company based in Singapore. They are brand new Gillettes probably made in China. The total cost with shipping around $10. When I recently visited Saratoga Springs(NY) I shopped at Hannaford supermarket. They are like the Publix of the north. Anyway I noticed they sell their own brand of Atra cartridges. Guess what they are duel purpose. They not only fit the Atra/Contour razors but also the Trac11 handle. I tried one when I got back home and they are pretty decent. Yesterday I was in Dollar General and they also sell under their own DG brand duel purpose Atra/Contour/Trac11 cartridges. They were 6 for $1.
Just thought you might want to know.
The Dollar General At-Trac II's should be pretty similar to the other ones you have, if not exactly the same. They're both made by ASR; they just re-brand them depending on the store.
The Hannaford brand Atra/Trac11 blades are made in Korea. The packaging on the DG doesn't say where they are made.
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