Do you share creams with other wet shavers or no? Just wondering how that would work.
mrob said:Are you going to be in a dorm? If I was around a lot of guys--or even 1 or 2--while shaving, I wouldn't leave too much out in the open. Too much of a temptation.
Austin said:My son helped himself to my creams/soaps and colognes when he lived with me. I actually did not mind.
Justso said:I'm pretty obsessive about my bathroom. It's my private space and on top of that, it has to be surgically clean. I always make certain that my bathroom is spotless, so any foreign body (other than family) in the bathroom gives me the heebies.. color me obsessive
Justso said:family would be no problem..friends, ehhh, maybe...
NMMB said:You are nicer than me... I don't think that I would even be big on letting SWMBO use my stuff (other than the KMF creams - which I have told her are for both of us)... but my brothers and father, if they asked I might give them samples (unless it was something REALLY good and I didn't have much of it), but I wouldn't let them use my creams out of my tubs... then again, I also won't drink out of SWMBO's glass either so I guess I am a little nuts
TheChefs said:Weird that you wouldn't drink out of her glass, do you kiss her?
NMMB said:Whenever I have a chance to do so!