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Omega > C.O. Bigelow

The first wet shaving item I ever bought was a tub of Omega soft soap, so I had a particular fondness for it for quite some time. After a while it fell out of favor for a bit, but I picked it back up after using the CO Bigelow branded cream, and I have to say that the Omega is hands down a better product. I tried giving Bigs a fair shake, but Omega definitely has more of a eucalyptus smell to it :thumbup1: and the cooling sensation is definitely superior, if only a little. The shaves are qualitatively different as well. I must say that I actually dislike using the CO Bigelow branded stuff, where Omega is a treat. I think for any of you newbs looking at one of the Poraso-like products, you should take the extra effort to get the name branded stuff--either Omega or Proraso. The Bigs is a disappointment.
C.O. Bigelow shaving cream is Proraso, there is zero difference. Proraso makes it for them and puts it in a Bigelow branded tube, but if you look at the type on the front, it does say it's made by Proraso.
C.O. Bigelow shaving cream is Proraso, there is zero difference. Proraso makes it for them and puts it in a Bigelow branded tube, but if you look at the type on the front, it does say it's made by Proraso.

Except for that part where they are different :wink2:. Seriously, though, it's made by Proraso, but there is a discernible difference in smell at the very least. It's much lighter. I know I'm not the first one to notice this either...
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