The first wet shaving item I ever bought was a tub of Omega soft soap, so I had a particular fondness for it for quite some time. After a while it fell out of favor for a bit, but I picked it back up after using the CO Bigelow branded cream, and I have to say that the Omega is hands down a better product. I tried giving Bigs a fair shake, but Omega definitely has more of a eucalyptus smell to it
and the cooling sensation is definitely superior, if only a little. The shaves are qualitatively different as well. I must say that I actually dislike using the CO Bigelow branded stuff, where Omega is a treat. I think for any of you newbs looking at one of the Poraso-like products, you should take the extra effort to get the name branded stuff--either Omega or Proraso. The Bigs is a disappointment.