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Old vs New DE Razors

There is no question, that for a newbie like me one of the best razors to have and use is a vintage Gillette Tech, I have one and I like it. What is around today that you can buy new that is a gentle shaver like the Gillette Tech? Some people like "old school" and there is no doubt about the build quality of a Gillette Tech, look how long they have been around. Some people want something brand new, shiny, never used.....so what is out there in a new, gentle shaver?
I bought a new Ming Shi TTO razor a few months ago and found it to be very gentle. I got it from amazon.com for about $14 plus shipping. Here are some photos. With the right blade (a Crystal or Red Pack Personna) I can get a pretty good shave from this razor. I can't compare it to a Tech because I've never shaved with one, but I can tell you the Ming Shi is gentler than my 1940s Gillette Super Speed.

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