The diverse members of this community carry on the practice of traditional wet shaving for a variety of reasons. These include the economy it offers those who choose to pursue that discipline; the opportunities to engage in excess it presents those of us with either a passion for collecting (e.g., razors, brushes) and/or a penchant for conspicuous consumption (e.g., soaps, creams, aftershaves); the challenges involved in achieving mastery; the Zen-like meditative mindfulness true mastery requires; and, of course, the satisfaction that deservedly results from the proverbial BBS shave. Also, many of us, young and no so young, appreciate the traditional aspects of wet shaving, which comprise elements of the activity itself, along with the tools and accessories employed in it. This thread is about the latter: old tools and accessories we've put to use in the practice (whether or not such use was originally intended). The reason I excluded razors and brushes in the title is that they have their own fora here, and this isn't intended to take anything away from them.
I've posted several threads to share old stuff I've found (or been given), the most recent being this one. But I'm never quite sure whether its appropriate to dedicate a separate thread to a single bottle, or bowl, or refurbished and repurposed cabinet. I hope this will attract broad sharing and become a showcase for all kinds of old stuff lucky enough to find appreciative use in the practice of wet shaving. I happen to believe most old stuff would rather be used than useless.
I've posted several threads to share old stuff I've found (or been given), the most recent being this one. But I'm never quite sure whether its appropriate to dedicate a separate thread to a single bottle, or bowl, or refurbished and repurposed cabinet. I hope this will attract broad sharing and become a showcase for all kinds of old stuff lucky enough to find appreciative use in the practice of wet shaving. I happen to believe most old stuff would rather be used than useless.