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OLD GLORY razor hone?

Has anyone every seen or heard of "OLD GLORY razor hone" ?

It is gray unlike the three line I have which is brown.

Any information would be greatly appreciated.
A couple of pics, the second is next to my American three line.


Haven't heard of it, but it looks like your average barbers hone.
There seems to have been a lot of makers of these stones.
Only one that has a solid reputation & have been tested properly is the Swaty.
That said, some of these can really put a good edge on a razor, with just a few strokes.
Best way is probably to try it on a razor & test-shave & feel how it performs.
I am amazed at the brands that pop up of these hones, when you look on the bay no 2 are the same.
I am amazed at the brands that pop up of these hones, when you look on the bay no 2 are the same.
Yeah, there seems to be an infinite amount of brands of these.
Every time I search on the Bay some new ones pops up.
I know there is a thread over at SRP that tries to cover at least a small portion of the barber hones out there.
The variety of "brands" obscures the fact that there are only a few actually different barber hones. Other than Swatys, most were manufactured by one company in the US, American Abrasives, and were labeled for each commissioning company.

A very common barber hone that has two surfaces was sold as the "Reliance" hone, the Dubl Duk, the O.V.B. (Our Very Best), and the Tonsorial Gem--not to mention others. The color, shape, texture, and even the label on the edge indicating which side to start on are othewise identical. So you can think there are 5 or 6 different hones here, but really they're just one.

Likewise, a combo hone called the "Winner" was also marketed under several different names. I think also I've seen the Simmons Hardware hone, typically seen as the "Keen Kutter" under other brands.

There is also a very rare Norton Combination Barber Hone (not the combo water stone we all know) and Sears even sold under the Craftsman name a hone that looks a lot like the Norton.

The Swaty's were widely (and pretty well) imitated. Almost identical to the Swaty was the S. R. Droescher "Quick and Easy" hone.

Almost any barber hone that is in good shape will touch up a razor and give it a fresh edge. I'm partial to the combination hones, especially for travel. I like the "Winner" hone because it's close to the Norton 4000/8000 waterstone but you don't have to saturate it in water to use it. Slap a little lather on there and off you go!
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