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Old Fogies Club: What was your workout today?

Cool, I'm. At least until the mods decide that there's no real need for multiple "what was your workout" threads. :001_smile


Squats (5r@85%) PM 360
15 min AMRAP
400m run
15 pushups
15 wallball (20lbs)
5 rds

I guess I should have checked before posting this morning but does 49 qualify as an old fogie?
You are an Old Fogie if you say you are an Old Fogie. Can you explain your workout, especially the squats, AMRAP and rds?
I've been slacking this week. One thing I've added to my regular workout routine is steps using and 8-inch step platforms. I only do this for about 5 minutes, but it has been recommended has a good leg workout and should help get ready for soft core hiking this year.


Unacceptably Lasering Chicken Giblets?
Just walking at work today.
Dealing with a recurring issue with my back: L4 and L5 are angry with me.

Therapy 3 times a week until they decide they want to play nice and stop hurting me. Hopefully once I retire and take off this gunbelt for the last time this back issue will subside.


Head Cheese Head Chef
Alright, Old Fogies. I'm in. But I'm asking for some help. I'm looking for-

Yoga routines. Preferably on YouTube. Who's your favorite and why? Don't get me wrong, I believe in the value of going to a studio, but I'm not doing that and I have a mat/blocks/blanket.

Weights... see above but modify the equipment.

Any other shared success. I'm 55. I'm 30+ pounds overweight. I'm reasonably active and do not lead a sedentary life. I need to do more and I'd appreciate input/support.

Thank you!!!


Unacceptably Lasering Chicken Giblets?
Alright, Old Fogies. I'm in. But I'm asking for some help. I'm looking for-

Yoga routines. Preferably on YouTube. Who's your favorite and why? Don't get me wrong, I believe in the value of going to a studio, but I'm not doing that and I have a mat/blocks/blanket.

Weights... see above but modify the equipment.

Any other shared success. I'm 55. I'm 30+ pounds overweight. I'm reasonably active and do not lead a sedentary life. I need to do more and I'd appreciate input/support.

Thank you!!!
I have never looked up you tube yoga routines but I do Apple Fitness Plus Yoga classes almost daily. If you are on the Apple Bandwagon these classes are great. They also have many other classes. There is also a section for beginners of each of their different classes; strength, HIIT, kickboxing, Yoga, CORE, treadmill, rowing, cycling, meditation, Mindful Cooldown. There may be more but I’m not looking at the app right now.
Good luck
Just remember that we aren’t 18 anymore; slow and steady wins the race.
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