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Old Fogies Club: What was your workout today?

MH DeltaFit Pure Power workout this morning. Think I actually need to buy heavier dumbbells for some of the exercises.
Snatch to 69kgx3
40,50,55,60,65,69x2 PR
Cleans to 98kgx3
55,65,75,85,92,98 PR for reps
15 min AMRAP
200m run
10 wallball (20lbs)
30 sec plank
7 rds
Not a good lifting night tonight. On my toes, hitting low on the thighs and not getting full extension. Only good parts was I managed to get some PRs.


Bigfoot & Bagel aficionado.
Spent the last week working with my husband putting in a patio and path to our wild bird feeders. We're not done yet, but that particular fun is called today on account of rain.

and rain and rain....

$Patio in progress.jpg

...so.. back to my regularly scheduled workout.

20 minutes on exercise bike (4.7 miles), various stretches, and 3 cycles of 10 reps of various exercises; e.g., sit ups, pushups, squats, plow, light weight work.

On a plus side the exercise room we've been working on since January is finally done. :thumbup:

$Exercise Room.jpg $Exercise Room 2.jpg
Front squats to 116kgx5
12 min AMRAP
20 Russian KB swings (1.5 pood)
10 KTE
200m run
5 rds
Flattened a bit on my last rep on last nights deadlifts and could feel it in my lower back tonight. Played it safe and stopped.
Squats to 170kgx5
15 min AMRAP
10 KB swings (1.5 pood)
10 box jumps (24")
10 burpees
There's a slight possibility that the weekends alcohol consumption had an adverse effect on today's training.
Snatch to 69kgx3
This was less snatch work more entertaining the guy deadlifting on the next rack over.
Cleans to 100kgx3
55,65,75,85,95,100 Default PR
10 rds
10 wallball (20lbs) Unbroken
5 ring rows unbroken
Deadlifts to 221kgx3
125,150,175,200,215,221x2 PR for reps

Stupid fickle training. Last week I didn't sleep well on Wednesday, missed a meal Thursday so I'm lifting tired, hungry, and a little dehydrated and I get all three. Slept like a log all week, stuffed full of food and water and everything was heavy today. Blech


Bigfoot & Bagel aficionado.
20 minutes on exercise bike (4.7 miles), various stretches, and 2 cycles of 10 reps of various exercises; e.g., sit ups, pushups, squats, plow, light weight work.
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