Being the newest production (and apparently intended for sale in the North American market), there is a possibility that Derby has worked through their past issues, and is again producing a good quality blade.
I have sampled the new Orange Derby in a handful of different razors, and found them vastly improved over the "Vertical" Derby, which I had to cork before use, otherwise they would rip my face up.
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Default The Same item
As someone who meets with the Derby importer for the USA I can tell you first hand they are the very same as the green. Derby blades main office and importer is the Shaving Factory located in North Jersey, not too far from my job. When I need items for the site I buy them direct from Mehmet who runs it. The orange Derby is on a hanger card and the languge is in English as opposed to the foreign green and white packaging. This was done to be on the shelves of stores here in the USA as say American Safety Razor AKA Personna was and still is. There is nothing different about the blade. In fact there is a thread I posted early this year about them on the boards when they first came in. If I only knew I would have marketed them on my site but there was so much anti Derby, get the pitchforks and torches out talk back then.
There is nothing different about any Derby blade, vertical or horizontal print according to the main office but I am sure many will weigh in differently on this. The placebo effect in motion I declare.
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