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Ok who won this one ? 160943023085. CH3 man . Badger somerset!

Hi everyone

Who won this beauty ?

Auction number. 160943023085

I was outbid ... And cried .


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I waved goodbye as I watched it sail off into the sunset. It's a gorgeous brush and I reallly was hoping to snag it, but it was just too rich for my blood.
Brush looks stunning and sad I was out bid but I do think it's a lot of $$$ lots of other items I can tho g of getting for that price

Good hunting

Will my face feel like it is being caressed by angels when I use this brush?

Will any soap in the world provide a rich, thick, slick, luxurious later with this brush?

Will I be protected against any nicks, cuts or weepers after using this brush?


Phew, glad I didn't try to outbid on this this one :biggrin1:
This the one that was apparently shedding often?

I was watching a chubby on the bay. That price seems crazy high if it's the shedding one that I saw.
Registered with signature and $500 coverage would probably run around $20-25 if memory serves, so the shipping isn't actually that high.
I bet the majority of the shipping price is the fact that he's having a UPS store pack it for him. Otherwise, it wouldn't be that much...and, it'd be WAY less if he packed it well, and shipped it USPS :thumbup::001_cool:
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