Top of the day!,
I just ordered my 2nd str8rzr from Jarrod. My 1st is a Dovo 122 w/palisander scales and now this: Half hollow and Jarrod gets it o so sharp using a Belgian coticule. I'm already looking at another and another..... Enjoy your day! View attachment 293962 this my Dovo 122
Got the 1/2 hollow(in 3 days,great service) and it's a beaut too, the blade, the handle is basic. Jarrod does a fantastic job of giving these babies a super edge. Yup. I'm aware of the slippery slope, I collect knives. Thank you all for your good thoughts and wishes! Be well and enjoy!
I just ordered my 2nd str8rzr from Jarrod. My 1st is a Dovo 122 w/palisander scales and now this: Half hollow and Jarrod gets it o so sharp using a Belgian coticule. I'm already looking at another and another..... Enjoy your day! View attachment 293962 this my Dovo 122
Got the 1/2 hollow(in 3 days,great service) and it's a beaut too, the blade, the handle is basic. Jarrod does a fantastic job of giving these babies a super edge. Yup. I'm aware of the slippery slope, I collect knives. Thank you all for your good thoughts and wishes! Be well and enjoy!
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