What's new

Oh, how things have changed.


Self Ignored by Vista
I'm sure this subject has been brought up before, but it was a little, shall we say, revealing as to how society has changed over the last few decades.

I was perusing through the dissertation (little long to be called an essay :001_smile) of the Roberts Method of Wet Shaving on enchanteonline. The research and theory on the subject is commendable.

It was interesting to look at the time periods of the "demise" of the DE razor; it seems to coincide with what I remember. I used a DE a bit in the '70s, but then did the trac II thing.

I was a little surprised at trying to find DE blades when I recently got another DE (finally, love it again). There are almost none at the local stores.

I still remember when I was about 10 or so...Mom would send me to the corner store to buy stuff.

Mom, "Here, here's a dollar. Go down to the store and get your Dad some razor blades and a pack of Winstons."

Me, "Okay."

Mom, "And don't forget to bring back the change!"

Me, "Okay."

I remember at about the same age, my father sending me to the store and telling me to get a carton of cigs. for him and one for my mother. He gave me a $5.00 bill and when I returned home with the 2 cartons there was some silver coins left as change. And I remember thinking wow, that's a lot of money just to smoke. Glad I never took up the habit because as you smokers know, today those same 2 cartons would cost almost $120.00. Yes sir, times they do change. :scared: :w00t: :wink2:
I remember at about the same age, my father sending me to the store and telling me to get a carton of cigs. for him and one for my mother. He gave me a $5.00 bill and when I returned home with the 2 cartons there was some silver coins left as change. And I remember thinking wow, that's a lot of money just to smoke. Glad I never took up the habit because as you smokers know, today those same 2 cartons would cost almost $120.00. Yes sir, times they do change. :scared: :w00t: :wink2:
Not too much really. That same $5 in silver coins is worth $64 today. The difference is all the new, additional tobaccos taxes.


The wife's investment
I thought my dad was going to have a cow when milk went over a dollar a gallon. Compared to cigarettes milk has maintained a pretty fair price. Must be all those reverse tax dollars (subsidies) collected from smokers.
I thought my dad was going to have a cow when milk went over a dollar a gallon. Compared to cigarettes milk has maintained a pretty fair price. Must be all those reverse tax dollars (subsidies) collected from smokers.

Well, that would have solved the problem, now wouldn't it?:001_tongu
I can remember my first good job in 1968. I made $4.75 an hour, this was as much as my dad was making. Of course you could buy a whole cart full of groceries for $25.00 and gas was 30 cents a gallon. I can remember just before the oil crisis when Carter was in office my father in law calling me up to tell me of a gas war going on and regular gas was 19 cents a gallon.


Self Ignored by Vista
There, I fixed that for you! :lol:

Thank you, I believe that was the word I was looking for. :wink2:

I didn't read much of it...the rambling on and on for three pages concerning one little item reminded me of some of the research papers I read in college...and of the way my ex-wife could talk for three hours and just be saying the same thing over and over. :sleep:

Didn't get far enough to actually see what the reason for the paper was, but is the HydroLoft stuff something that they are selling?

Maybe I can patent my MOS...method of shaving. :laugh:

Oh well, I think I'll go to the store in my gas guzzling, polluting, 400 horsepower Camaro and get some hamburger meat...then grab a beer and a smoke and grill up some juicy burgers...the kind of good stuff that when you bite into them the grease cascades down to your elbow and forms into a shiny, shimmering pool on the table. :w00t:
I didn't read much of it...the rambling on and on for three pages concerning one little item reminded me of some of the research papers I read in college...

Yes, but at least those papers presumably were based on real research, and weren't made up on the spot as Roberts's work is.

Didn't get far enough to actually see what the reason for the paper was, but is the HydroLoft stuff something that they are selling?

Hydrolast, actually, but yeah. This "book" (his term, not mine) succeeded earlier essays where he extolled the virtues of Trumper creams and Simpson brushes. That all changed when he decided to promulgate his own line of products, and adapted his method to them.
I love it:

Since it was first seriously introduced to the world four years ago, wet shaving has attained the status of an international sensation.


and another great quote:

the forums have largely taken over the heavy educational lifting that I previously had to largely undertake myself

The modesty's a candle to thy merit.
Author: Henry Fielding
Source: Tom Thumb the Great (act I, sc. 3, l. 8)
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The modesty's a candle to thy merit.

And restraint is a virtue, of which I find I am in increasingly short supply whenever I read Roberts's stuff.

"Let us toast the Google brothers and their amazing information machine."

Man, that guy is a d-bag.
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