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Ogallala Bay Rum ordered

I have a batch of 4 varieties of this product enroute. Since I have only used Pineaud's bay rum--which I love--I'm really curious to try the Ogallala, even if spelling it poses a challenge.

Any opinions or experience with this brand?


Experience: yes, got a sampler pack a few months ago.

Opinion: remember to SHAKE IT FIRST, and then prepare to enjoy some of the best bay rum on the planet!
I agree shake well, My Fav. is the BR Sandalwood sweet and mellow!! Then it's a tie between Limes & Peppercorn and Sage & Cedar. Either way you can't loose!
And when we say Shake It, take that advice for all it's worth. It takes some serious shaking to get all that bay rum goodness thoroughly mixed together. Great stuff ...
Whoa! Got the Ogallala Bay Rum with lime and peppercorn this aft; this is serious stuff! Talk about a powerfully-blended recipe, but not harsh on the skin.

Love the blue bottles as well.


I saw this stuff on WCS site and was wanting to try it. The blue bottle caught my eye because it looks like something off the medicine man's wagon back in the old west.

Congrats. I may give it a spin next.
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Whoa! Got the Ogallala Bay Rum with lime and peppercorn this aft; this is serious stuff! Talk about a powerfully-blended recipe, but not harsh on the skin.

Love the blue bottles as well.



One of my favorites. It's also my 5 yr. old nephews favorite when he sneaks into my bathroom; it's the first one he dips his finger into and rubs on himself.
Not sure how that isn't a dead giveaway that he's been pilfering my aftershave.:lol:
I'm also not sure how to go about explaining to him he needs to shake it first.:001_smile
I've tried the Sandlewood, Lime and Peppercorn and Sage and Cedar. I like them all. Agree that they need to be shaken vigorously before use.
I've tried them all: Lime & Peppercorns is my favorite....

Ogallalla is unique among bay rums, I think... almost like candy!
I love the Ogallala Bay rums.... Fantastic performance and scent....

My personal favourite is the Sandalwood one.... That has got to be one of the most nicest scented aftershaves one can obtain!
I know, I have a few more bottles on order too. At the price, how can you not? The bottles remind me of the blue glass you see everywhere in Turkey, especially in the south and coast regions, like Bodrum. Deep blue glass, looks like something from a vintage doctor's office.

This bay rum--peppercorns, sandalwood--offers a nice counterpoint to the basic bay rum that I had in my cabinet.

Good stuff this.

I bought my first Bay Rum yesterday from a place down here in Australia that was seriously disapointed I wasn't buying their 1litre bottle. I didn't really know what I was buying so I was disapointed that their small bottle was 250ml (whatever that is in ounces? :blink: ). But Mrs Westie expressed approval, and my skin didn't express disaproval, those are the only 2 things that matter! :thumbup:
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