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Odd neck problem

Right, I've always had a difficult neck, particularly around my adams apple, but I've solved it and had completely irritation free shaves recently. But, the day after I shave, I come out in an itchy rash on my neck as the hair starts to grow back. I thought this was ingrowns, but it goes down the day after and is completely fine again. Any ideas?
I had that same thing for awhile. Turns out it was the unscented moisturing lotion I nicked from from my wife's pile of moisturizers. When I stopped using that particular product the itching went away. Try using just witch hazel if you have it and go from there. That's what worked for me. Regular aftershaves don't bother me. I was using her lotion instead of buying another balm. Still do. I guess my face just didn't like that particular kind.
That could be trapped hairs. If they stayed trapped they could turn into ingrowns, but instead they simply cause minor inflammation as they grow out.

If so one solution is to not shave that area so closely. Another is to find a soap, cream, or AS that reduces trapped hairs: allantoin is supposed to help, for example. Another idea is to exfoliate that area gently, well after the shave but before any trouble develops. You could use a scrub, or just face-lather without shaving.
I had this exact same problem about 2 hours ago. Fine shave, fine day, about an hour before my next shave I developed this problem at the very bottom of my neck growth. Never happened before.
I get this problem all the time. I never have the typical ingrown hair. Sometimes my hairs will grow up under the skin and cause irritation the day after but will come out of the skin the next day. Just enough time to cause red spots and "razor burn-like" bumps.
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