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OC purchase needs a fix

Okay, so my addiction to trying to find an OC razor paid of today at a flea market. After I made the purchase, $8, I was looking at it as I walked away and apparently broke some of the soap scum loose trying to unscrew the handle that was holding the head to the razor, and the handle slipped away from the metal piece that the head screws into. Not sure what that piece is called, exactly. Upon close inspection, it has a tiny crack near the head of the handle and I presume that's what has allowed that piece to slip out. Is there a fix for this at all? If so, what do I need to do to make it work?



Ah yes, you have a Ball Handle Old Type, and the crack in the handle is very very common. Most of them have it today vs not. There have been several threads explaining how to stabilize the crack with epoxy. I'm sure if you search you can find them, or perhaps someone will come along who has the link saved. The point is, it's repairable so you can use the razor.

If you have a handle from another razor, you can try putting it on after you have removed the top of the old handle and cleaned the head and threads on the post. I have handles from Merkur, Muhle and Gillette that all fit my Old Type head. I think you will find it is an efficient shaver. The blade feel is more present on this razor vs others I'd used in the past, but I was able to get a good shave with it with minimal practice. You just have to find the right angle to shave at for your skin.

Good luck and nice score.
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Thanks Jeff, I will look for those threads and see what I can do to fix it. Hadn't yet thought about trying the handles from my other razors. I have a Muhle and several Gillettes that I could borrow the handle from until I get it fixed. Plan on cleaning it up this evening and giving it a good shot once she's clean and disinfected. Just fixing the crack with epoxy wouldn't prevent the end from slipping from the handle though, would it?
Thanks Jeff, I will look for those threads and see what I can do to fix it. Hadn't yet thought about trying the handles from my other razors. I have a Muhle and several Gillettes that I could borrow the handle from until I get it fixed. Plan on cleaning it up this evening and giving it a good shot once she's clean and disinfected. Just fixing the crack with epoxy wouldn't prevent the end from slipping from the handle though, would it?

I use JB Weld epoxy. Once fixed, the handle should stay together. The stuff is extremely strong. Put a bit on the inside of the top of the handle when you assemble the razor and the fix will be permanent.
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