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Now that it is over - what handle is this?

Closed ebay auction of an old type Gillette head with an odd handle

So.... What handle is on this razor?


Star DE handle with a Gillette Old OC head.
Not correct match but an excellent combination.
I know I have a Frankenrazor exactly like it in my collection.
That Star handle is grippy and solid brass.
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Yep, no doubt it's a Star
I'd bet my Pils collection on it

(I have no idea what I'm talking about, just trying to sound cool)
It's a Star/PAL/Personna (American Safety Razor Company) from the 60s.

Here's the Brit version I won on ebay last week, no one else bid... :biggrin1:

Probably, it's just the aluminium version :001_tt2:

I wonder if this is one of the first examples of a company giving away a free razor with blades? That crazy Philip Morris management team ended up trying everything else in that period! (Personna 74, face guard etc)
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