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Now I've done it. SOC in cherry on the way

So, after a previous post discussing some issues that I had with my first boar (Semogue 1250/ shedding bristles)- I received some valuable information from members about the importance of soaking my brush instead of running under water for a few seconds. The first boar was not too expensive at all, but since it was my first "Pig", I didn't know a lot about it.

What I did know was that I really liked the way the Semogue made very little work out of soaps and creams, not to mention it could be used for both bowl and face lathering.
Not minding the size of the brush, I love the way the brush feels on my face. I have decided that it's time to move on.

Minutes ago I hit the "confirm order" button at Vintage Scents for my 1st purchase of the year! I am pretty excited that my SOC with Cherry handle is going to be on it's way shortly. I can hardly wait to use it...and I'll remember to soak it first.

Thanks for reading gentlemen. Have a great week!


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I would congratulate you; but bowel lathering sounds distinctly unenjoyable.

Seriously, I have been considering the different SOC's for my next purchase as well.
Enjoy your brush. I was extremely close yesterday to pulling the trigger on a SOC myself, but choose the mighty midget instead.
Enjoy your brush. I was extremely close yesterday to pulling the trigger on a SOC myself, but choose the mighty midget instead.

I too have the MM from Omega. Mine's the boar and badger mix. Not a bad brush for $13. Easy to face lather with/ use for travel.
I am new to this and my only basis for comparison is a Tweezerman but I picked up a SOC in cherry from the B/S/T and I can't believe how much better it is. The tips are a lot softer and it is much easier to build lather. The Tweezerman shed every time I used it and after a month in ended up with essentially a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree brush. Glad it was my first though, makes me appreciate the Semogue that much more.
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