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November 22, 1963 was 60 years ago, where were you when JFK died?

Sixty years anniversary so long ago but still fresh in my mind. Was Junior is H/S in Burbank, CA. Was in Sally Beaton's English Class, funny lady who left a Playboy on Desk, but it was only cover, inside was Sunset Magazine. We had this weird councilor Mr. Crawford, come into class, whispers something in Beaton ear. Next she get her self together, and tell class President is Dead.

were you alive? If so where?
Not born yet. My mother was home with my already born older siblings. She was watching tv. She also mentioned the Cuban missle crisis was pretty scary.
I was in Jr High in Fort Walton Beach, FL. I remember getting out early and waiting for the busses to arrive to take us home.


Before my time, but events of similar magnitude really do etch a lot of the details in your head; sounds, smells, seemingly minor details. I've got some pretty detailed sensory snapshots of many of those far reaching events.
Second grade. Vividly remember crowding around the neighbors little B&W TV to watch Walter Conkite pass on the news of JFKs death.
Last period typing class as a Senior in High School when the announcement was made that he was shot. I don't remember if his death was announced, but I do remember that classes were dismissed early.


My elbows leak
Staff member
In class with Miss Mortimer. She was called out, and we all had to sit quietly in a classroom with the lights out for a bit.
Soon after, school let out early.
I remember that, but not much else honestly.


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
Grammar school, 5th grade. I remember exactly where my desk was and recently got to go in that same classroom about 10 years ago. Pretty strange, all those memories flooding back.

The principal came in with a little transistor radio and whispered something to Mrs. Hazeltine. It was a 4th, 5th, 6th combined country schoolhouse, she turned on the tiny black radio as 20-25 kids crowded around listening and then we went back to our desks. The younger kids (1st, 2nd, 3rd) in the other room didn't get to listen. No one got to leave early but the girl next to me, a pretty redhead sixth grader named Ellen was crying her eyes out the rest of the afternoon.
Only 2-years old at the time. I may have been at home, or at a bazaar, Tupperware party, or some other function with my mother. Don't remember too much. But that's the constant in my life.
Nonetheless, sad day.
I was eating lunch in the outdoor courtyard of Dana Jr. High in San Diego. I knew something was wrong when the attractive female vice principal came out of her nearby office wearing flats instead of her typical spike heals. She quietly spread the word. I could tell that she did her best to hold back the tears.
I don’t remember the actual assassination. I do recall clearly seeing Oswald shot live on TV. I also remember the funeral, although I admit that Churchill’s funeral blends in in my memory.
Senior year at prep school, 4th-year Latin Class. Lipschutz, a freshman assigned to clean our classroom, came in before class ended and announced "Kennedy's been shot." No more Aeneid that day.

Spent much of the weekend glued to the teevee in our dorm basement. Saw Oswald shot.

At my ex's private school, a spontaneous cheer went up from many of the girls.

Ron R

I survived a lathey foreman
I remember that day, I was 4 years old playing in the living room while my mother was ironing some clothes and some news flash went across the black and white Zennith TV about JFK was just assassinated and my mother started crying and I had no clue who JFK was then but she knew because she was catholic and so was JFK and here was a woman who survived WW2 under occupation in Holland by the Germans and that was not a pleasant time for all of Europe. It felt like a dark day I recall!


Dull yet interesting
I was in 5th grade at Casis Elementary School in Austin, TX, ironically getting ready to go see President Kennedy in a motorcade in Austin. He had planned on coming to Austin after his Dallas trip.
We were let out of school early for reasons that weren't entirely clear - we assumed it was in order to head to the parade route - but our mom picked us up and school and told us what had happened. Our little family - my mom (33 at the time), me (10), my brother (8) and my sister (6) were glued to our black and white television throughout the weekend. I remember seeing Lee Harvey Oswald killed by Jack Ruby live on TV.
You don't have to be a fan of President Kennedy, his party, his politics, his personal life or anything else to nonetheless be horrified at what happened that day and also to speculate that America - and the world - were changed forever that fateful day. And not for the better.
I was a young teenager building a kit balsa wood model aircraft on the dining room table when the news came through in the UK at about 7pm. I was SHOCKED as I was hearing and seeing 9/11
I was in first grade, remember being confused. They sent us home early and when I got home I remember my mother had tears in her eyes...............
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