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NoName Brush


Ok .. this is a 2$ brush i got from the old bazaar in town .. probably hand made lol coz they had like 6-8 brushes on display and all were different in handle and size .. i guess its boar bristle? (i burned one hair and it is natural hair that i can tell for sure .. no plastic). Handle is some lithe wood just clear coated.

So as this is the first brush im in contact with i have no point of comparison. So what do you think looking the pics and hmm what i can tell .. like for example if i try to jab a finger in the middle i cant push more then halfway coz the density.
It could be just me, but that brush looks like it's of a serious dubious quality. It just doesn't look right from the top.

yeah that's why i wanted some opinions .. i could not find much brush pictures from top perspective to compare .. i dont doubt its low quality (2$) .. was just curious how it looks compared to the better ones

i tried to poke a needle tru the lower part .. and i cant (a bit destructive probing :D i doubt some has done that to their silver tip badgers hehe) the lower 1/3 is rock solid .. that normal? on the face is not really that rough .. even dry it doesnt fell bad ..

other thing i noticed .. i cant apply lather on my face with circular motions i can only "paint" .. do you guys think that is from bad lather or bad brush?

i will hopefully replace this with a more quality one as soon as i find some place that will have shipping option lower then 30$ min ..
after looking some pictures online .. mm .. can this be horse hair? .. is there a way to tell the difference between boar and horse hairs? :huh:
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