We have a local pharmacy which carries alot of higher end products. They carry the Crabtree and Evelyn line which includes the Nomad soaps. A 3.5 oz puck goes for $8. I have always been tempted to try it or the Sandalwood, but I must confess have been too much of a snob to do so. It just seemed too mass produced. The other day, I took a sniff of the puck and I liked it a lot. Brought it home, grated it into a shave stick and shaved with it the following morning. Excellent. It has a very strong spicy/woodsy fragrance that lasts virtually all day. The lather was thick and dense. I had heard that it was not the most moisturizing of soaps. For me, at least, I did not feel any dryness during the day and I put that soap through its paces, using an ABC "Old Type "Shell", with a Feather blade. Not a particularly forgiving combination. I am going to use it again tomorrow and will try to report back on its fragrance in more detail. If one used that soap stick everyday it would last for a year. Very good value.