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No fashion sense, so ... bars?



So I hang out here friday and saturday nights, from open (I'm first in the door) to close (they kick me out sometimes).


While here I've seen:

  • People with holes in their head (literally)
  • Green hair, mohawks, double mohawks, spikes, etc
  • Heavy metal T-shirts
  • Shirtless DJ (Dr. Feelgood with the double-mohawk), bargirls with high-cut whatever the hell they're wearing on their ***
  • T-shirt and jeans crowd
  • Leather jackets
  • Racing-style leather jackets (black with the red stripe up the arm and over the back)
  • Business casual (khakis, collar shirt)
  • US Navy, dress uniform, with rank medal
  • Businessmen in full suits

Okay, I'm not getting my face pierced, I'm not dying my hair green, I'm not getting a mohawk. I'm not showing up in a friggin' suit either. I tend to go just below business casual... Jeans or khakis and a t-shirt. I've worn a Mario shirt, a Donkey Kong shirt, and a shirt that says "I don't work here" on it.

I wear these when out:


I have walking shoes, smooth black leather:


However, the running shoes actually let me run faster (I can walk fast with the walking shoes, and then if I run I can't break top walking speed; with the running shoes... yeah, fast). I use these to get around downtown; I park a few blocks away, I run to where I'm going.

I'm thinking I'll accessorize with a Braithwaite Orpheus wallet, maybe wear something nicer to go with it.

The thing is I don't want to look "dressed up," I want to stay around "casual" when I'm out. I'm not sure if there's something more effective to give me a better image... I mean what can I do? Straight razor shave, some decent cologne, Land's End jeans and Land's end t-shirt, no undershirt? I guess no belt; I'd rather stick with an untucked shirt...

See this is hard. I want to look "dressed down" and go out to have fun and be very not-professional (hence no tucked shirt or whatever and no business-casual); but I want to look decent, like someone that isn't pretending he doesn't need his mommy to dress him.

Heh. A college kid trying for a look of distinction in a no-tucked-shirt, no-collar environment. Maybe the goal I'm trying to achieve doesn't exist. Then again, maybe some decent non-walmart clothes would stand out themselves; I know my Land's End khakis are the same thing as the Walmart ones, but they've got much cleaner lines and much better quality fabric and visibly people notice I'm wearing much nicer clothes.
I could be completely wrong about this, but I think shoes are a keystone of any wardrobe. Wear some nice ones and people seem to notice.

Of course, that may be because during the hot months I wear birkenstocks to classes, and after finding Last Chance I'm wearing swanky loafers sold at Nordstroms.
As much as I believe that a person's personality is paramount, the clothes can make the man.

First, are you comfortable in your own skin and clothes?

Unfortunately, you seem like that you aren't necessarily comfortable in your clothes while at the bar and you are looking for a look that says, "I'm not a bum; I care about how I look, but I don't want to look like I tried hard."

Am I right?

With clothing, I have found that it all depends on how you carry yourself. Can you project confidence and that the clothing you are wearing belongs on you? That is key.

I can understand not wanting to wear anything biz casual, because, as you stated, you're a student. But that shouldn't stop you. When I was in college, I would experiment with clothing every weekend night I went out:

1. A witty t-shirt, dark wash jeans, street shoes (Pumas, Adidas, etc).

2. If I go to a more trendy bar: Blazer or Sport coat, button up shirt (tucked in or untucked depending on the length of the shirt), dark wash jeans and either oxford (brown or black - match your belt) shoes or street shoes.

3. The extreme: I like layering clothing, especially when it's cold out. This past weekend my outfit was as such:

White, herringbone dress shirt, with a argyle, v-neck sweater vest over it (navy blue, gray and burgundy colors), navy blue blazer with grey pencil pinstripes. Dark wash jeans and white Adidas Sambas. To top it off, I rocked a white pocket square.

I enjoy a little sophistication in my life. So, when I dress like this, I am showing a bit of my personality. I really dig some classic looks, because, they are classic and will never go out of style.

Now, I will admit I can go a bit over board in my clothing options. The most important thing is to be comfortable in your clothing. Exude confidence. The way you move and interact in your clothing with friends at the bar should not limit you but it should augment you.

If you are comfortable in a t-shirt, jeans/khakis and cross trainers, then by all means keep doing what your doing. The bar you frequent seems like a different mix of clothing styles that borders on the trendy, but is not quite there. I think you could really get away with anything.

If you are trying to impress some certain female(s) at the bar, you might need to step your game in the clothing detail. But don't go spending an arm and a leg at Express Men trying to look trendy. Always shop around for sales and discounts.

Read through this blog; he has some great clothes at a discount price.
An Affordable Wardrobe

I hope I made some sort of sense. Experiment with different clothing options. Good luck!
Everything on that site looks like a joke o_O

Although yeah, the running shoes I have are ***. Notice my other shoes.....

Yeah, a lot of it is presented as a joke, but the guy lays down some rules in those jokes that, when followed, make you look very well-put together. His rule about no running shoes unless you're running is a good one, it's a good way to stand out as women really do notice your shoes quickly.

I think KarthVader is spot on with his suggestions. There are a few levels of dressed up to chooses from. I also follow the blog he linked, though many of the looks you'll find there are probably a bit more British Country-looking than you'll probably want at first. It's a good look, but requires some prior planning and wardrobe building.

For better suggestions, if you don't mind me asking, would you say you are skinny, normal, large, etc?
I could be completely wrong about this, but I think shoes are a keystone of any wardrobe. Wear some nice ones and people seem to notice.

Of course, that may be because during the hot months I wear birkenstocks to classes, and after finding Last Chance I'm wearing swanky loafers sold at Nordstroms.


All too often, I witness people ruining a look with cheap or inappropriate shoes. If you're wearing a nice suit, make sure the shoes are of reasonable quality, are stylistically formal, and match the belt. It's really not complicated.

Also, never economize on what you put on your feet or your face. Just as shaving products can profoundly affect the skin that leaves a powerful first impression, there is no other item of clothing that can so profoundly affect your health (and appearance) as your shoes.

As I've harped on in other threads, always start with a closet of basics. Every man should have a pair of simple black captoes and brown loafers (and belts to match). If you've got a closet full of varying pseudo-athletic-fashion shoes or more than one pair of "trail runners" when you don't trail run, you're doing it wrong. Get the basics and look like a grown up first.


For better suggestions, if you don't mind me asking, would you say you are skinny, normal, large, etc?

skinny as hell. A little fat around the midsection but that's just "my abs aren't smooth and firm," I'm not bulging out.
skinny as hell. A little fat around the midsection but that's just "my abs aren't smooth and firm," I'm not bulging out.

Just be yourself.

If you have to put that much thought into your 'look,' to the point that you seem uncomfortable, people will pick up on that vibe.
skinny as hell. A little fat around the midsection but that's just "my abs aren't smooth and firm," I'm not bulging out.

Wow, I wish I had your body structure. I have a barrel chest and super broad shoulders, all on a 5' 8" frame. I look like a Neanderthal. You can really do whatever you want. You're slim, so a fitted look can do wonders.

Barbarian is on the money. Like I said before, if you feel uncomfortable and are wearing something that you aren't comfortable in, you will give of an uncomfortable vibe and definitely look like you're trying to hard.

By the way, if you are interested, Van Heusen outlet stores are having a sale. I redid my winter wardrobe for about $100. It's worth a look if you have a Van Heusen near you.

Is the bar you frequent in the Power Plant bar area?
I'm thinking I'll accessorize with a Braithwaite Orpheus wallet, maybe wear something nicer to go with it.

The thing is I don't want to look "dressed up," I want to stay around "casual" when I'm out. I'm not sure if there's something more effective to give me a better image... I mean what can I do? Straight razor shave, some decent cologne, Land's End jeans and Land's end t-shirt, no undershirt? I guess no belt; I'd rather stick with an untucked shirt...

See this is hard. I want to look "dressed down" and go out to have fun and be very not-professional (hence no tucked shirt or whatever and no business-casual); but I want to look decent, like someone that isn't pretending he doesn't need his mommy to dress him.

If it is a relaxed, fun bar then if you overthink your clothes you might stand out a bit. It sounds like a fun place, and it looks like the sort of place where what you wear is not as important as it might be in other bars with a more poser type clientele. No one will be that interested in how you dress, so you can take it easy and have fun with your clothes.

Do what you like to do, you mention a straight shave but no one but you will know thats how you shaved, which is why I thought you were overthinking this.

This guy knows what he's talking about. Whatever clothing you go for, get it tailored. Clothes that fit look better than clothes that don't fit.

After reading through most of their blog posts, I have concluded that this man or group of people definitely does know what he's talking about. It also seems that this look is exactly what your looking for. The "artful dishevelment" look.

For real "grown up" style, the ask andy forums seem to know their ****.


If it is a relaxed, fun bar then if you overthink your clothes you might stand out a bit. It sounds like a fun place, and it looks like the sort of place where what you wear is not as important as it might be in other bars with a more poser type clientele. No one will be that interested in how you dress, so you can take it easy and have fun with your clothes.

Yeah that's what I'm going for though. I'm trying to fall into the same casual ranks I tend to stand in (that is, wal-mart t-shirt and wal-mart jeans or khakis); but maybe touch it up a bit with something a bit more streamlined. Like rather than driving a boring, beat-up, paint-fading sedan, I drive a boring, clean, waxed sedan.

Do what you like to do, you mention a straight shave but no one but you will know thats how you shaved, which is why I thought you were overthinking this.

I overthink my shave a lot these days. I made one with, two across, and one against with a 1904 replica open comb Merkur + feather blade last night. A glance in the mirror still showed a face of tiny black dots; and I could feel roughness against the grain. A better shave than most people I encounter in my daily life, I've recently taken notice of; but I want it smooth running my fingers against the grain.

I always shave. Like my clothes, I don't want to really change my look; I just want to upgrade it a bit. I think it shows something about you; it's also a good psychological boost to help me feel a bit more confident.

I'm usually in the Baltimore/DC area at least 3 times a year. I haven't been to this bar, but the Power Plant area is awesome!

It's on top. Nice place.


http://www.landsend.com/pp/ShortSle...Z&CM_MERCH=IDX_00001__0000000008&origin=index ?

Dark denim...


Hmm maybe. Price isn't bad either. Maybe I can find some nice riveted heavy Levis instead though....
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Hey Blue
As far as I can tell, you want to look good without looking like you've spent any money on clothes or giving any clue about what you do for a living. You want advice (and are spending a reasonable amount of time thinking about) how to look like you haven't spent a moment's thought on what you're wearing, but you want to just magically exude wonderfullness. I think you've succinctly defined the limits of what a wardrobe can do. I don't think you need fashion advice...... I think what you are wanting is more self-confidence and possibly a better job, woman in your life or something fulfilling. I am not trying to put you down. That kind of effortless cool whatever you wear is about the person, not the clothes...which is why I personally go for a pretty classic look a lot of the time. I know I don't have that, which is why I dress the way I know is going to "get me through" almost every social situation with reasonable confidence.


Hey Blue
I think you've succinctly defined the limits of what a wardrobe can do. I don't think you need fashion advice...... I think what you are wanting is more self-confidence

I need that too. Hmm. Could be that the clothes are somewhat of a distraction, for better or worse; if I'm wearing something ridiculous or something I'm unsure of, I feel more vulnerable and unsure of myself. It could be something AWESOME, but I'm simply not sure how to portray myself if I'm in it; like if you put me in a black 2010 Camaro V8, I could drive that car (rather have an Audi S5...), but when I pull up at the bus stop next to a bunch of college girls I'm not going to have a damn clue how to look or act to make myself stand with the car, so I'll fidget and look nervous.

One thing I've considered is some people at the bar are amused at me fumbling to dance to Thriller (I can't dance in general, but I have some of THOSE moves memorized); I'd feel rather comfortable showing up in an orange leather jacket and some black polyester pants and pulling it off around halloween, because it's both in context for the season and easy for me to portray. It looks ridiculous and I'd feel dumb just wandering around like that, but I fit into it well in that situation.

On the other side, if I'm not worried about how I look, ... I don't have to worry about that, and I can feel better about myself.

Maybe you're onto something there.

Holy crap I want that. I could totally wear that into Howl at the Moon!
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