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Nib Acquisitions for October 2013

OK, let's see them! Quite a large haul last month, folks. :thumbup1:

No kidding! The denizens of The Nib picked up a lot of great pens in September. I'm on a purchasing hiatus until the 2013 B&B LE is announced, unless I talk myself into a B&B leather notebook before then.

This is my first Nib post.

Last week I made my first fountain pen purchase, a FC Model #27. It wasnt the right pen for me so I am returning it. But, the UPS man literally delivered my new Pilot Metropolitan 45 minutes ago. I quickly flushed it and filled it with Pilot Iroshizuku Asa-Gao (I know, twice the price of the pen and expensive for a newbie but I figured 'what the heck'). I love this pen, it will definitely replace the Montblanc ballpoint that was gifted to me a few years ago as my everyday pen.

I am now asking myself if I should get another Metropolitan to fill with red or black ink.
This is my first Nib post.

Last week I made my first fountain pen purchase, a FC Model #27. It wasnt the right pen for me so I am returning it. But, the UPS man literally delivered my new Pilot Metropolitan 45 minutes ago. I quickly flushed it and filled it with Pilot Iroshizuku Asa-Gao (I know, twice the price of the pen and expensive for a newbie but I figured 'what the heck'). I love this pen, it will definitely replace the Montblanc ballpoint that was gifted to me a few years ago as my everyday pen.

I am now asking myself if I should get another Metropolitan to fill with red or black ink.

The answer is always "More Pens" in these parts lol,

Welcome to the Nib, hope you enjoy your stay
Akkerman ink arrived in the post today :w00t: :w00t:

A bottle of Shocking blue, and a bottle of Royal Akkerman blue.

The metropolitan is not new, just a guide for people who haven't seen the size of an Akkerman bottle.
(Received great service from Vulpennen - no affiliation, just a happy customer :thumbsup:)
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$2013-10-03 09.09.46.jpg
I've reloaded... time for another shootout
Red book - Life Tradition writing pad
Blue book - Apica premium c.d. notebook
White pad - Life Super Fine White writing pad

Also in there are two letter kits smaller pads with matching envelopes, both Life one is Qui De Neuf, and the other is Pergola
some nice and cool looking airmail envelopes, hope they are just for show and wont have a letter come back to me for improper postage
I picked a Con-20 Converter up to both try in my parallel, and play in my 912
both Life writing pads have matching envelopes with them

Got this from (A big thank you to Coyotewhisper's link in my Japanese paper thread) Nanami Paper
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Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
You acquired a motorcycle? Very cool. Oh never mind, I see.

What is that thing, a lever-filled Safari? Scarce, especially in its bubble.
You acquired a motorcycle? Very cool. Oh never mind, I see.

What is that thing, a lever-filled Safari? Scarce, especially in its bubble.
I'm afraid I really don't know what model it is, or what I'm going to do with it. I'd guess it will need a new sac...off to research.


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
I'm afraid I really don't know what model it is, or what I'm going to do with it. I'd guess it will need a new sac...off to research.

Start here http://esterbrook.net/ it looks like a Safari but all the ones I've had were cartridge. Ask Brian Anderson, he's also a member here, you could show him your post.
Thanks for the link, Doug. Definitely not a Safari - the shape is more tubular. I'll dig around there and see what I can find.
And there it is. Something called a CX-100, or at least in the "CX-100 Family" according to the site. Same body & cap, just a lever filler instead of a cartridge. It's a "school" pen, apparently.

(And I still don't know what I'm going to do with it.) :blush:
I wonder if it being sealed would have kept the sac in okay shape,... as to what your going to do with it, do you think you would be happy with it in the line up ? if not put it somewhere safe sealed until you know you just have to use it, or pass it along
I wonder if it being sealed would have kept the sac in okay shape,... as to what your going to do with it, do you think you would be happy with it in the line up ? if not put it somewhere safe sealed until you know you just have to use it, or pass it along

Yeah...I was wondering if the sac might be okay. I think I'm probably going to hold on to it in the packaging for now. I am trying to convince myself that I'm a user, not a collector, but I might just hedge my bets a little.


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
Sac is probably OK, I've seen numerous original Esterbrook sacs that have been used and were usable. One never exposed to ink -- probably OK.

Regardless, in the original packaging you've got a treasure. I'd leave it alone and unmolested, but that's just me and my opinion. :wink2:
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