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News From the Vegetal Front....

Stopped in over this past weekend to my local Super Bed, Bath & Beyond to replenish my stock of LV. I keep an eye on the LV there and it definitely moves--somebody out there is buying it. A few weeks ago they were down to three bottles and this past Sat. there were ten (that's right, TEN--for you Vegetal naysayers!) The two bottles of 4711 next to the LV have been there since the store opened but the Veg is moving at a brisk pace indeed!!

As I'm checking out the bottles I notice that some of the LV bottles have a different label from the others. The type font is much smaller and the lilac branch logo is also smaller. In fact, when I compared the two bottles, the entire label is physically smaller on one of the bottles. The new small label bottles have a S2 date code while the older larger label bottles are either S1 or S0. So I am assuming the S2 is a new fresh batch. Also the small label bottle has a code on the lower right corner that reads 13-0785....

I get the new bottle home and crack it and man does it smell great! The Veg part is crisp, clean and very green smelling--there isn't any hint whatsoever of the composty, swampy funk that so many complain of...its just a fresh springtime scent and it jumps right into the floral/powder within mins. It's vastly different than my previous two bottles of LV. Straight outta the plastic bottle it's awesome.

I have to wonder if Pinaud "tinkered" with this batch or has made some adjustments to LV. A while back Nid Hog reported that the Special Reserve seemed to have been reformulated (and for the better) so it may be possible that LV is also undergoing some changes. It's either that or the batch is so new that the plastic bottle hasn't had a chance to degrade it. At any rate it's super--and LV fans may want to seek this out. I went back and bought a second bottle with the same date codes and its just as good. I'm set for a couple of years now.

So, look for the small label, S2 code on the bottom of the bottle and the 13-0785 on the right corner of the front label. The older bottles all have different codes. I think you'll be impressed..


Marty E.
"the old formulation has been found to be incompatible with the 1992 Chemical weapons convention and had to be modified"
Think of it...A world where the Veg holds no terror for those not chosen, where the bar is set so low that the glorious achievement of clearing it goes unnoticed, and instead it is just another plank on the dreary padded deck where no one falls, but there is no chance to leap.

Years from now, will some young enthusiast comb the flea markets looking for the "vintage Veg", having read tall tales of a time when men splashed it on with steely eye and steady hand, while all around them doubters made jests about kitty pee and toxic waste?

Will he search, wondering if he has the stuff to sniff it straight from the bottle and, having sampled the side of his soul that all hide but few acknowledge, dare to wear it for the world to judge, hoping for that transformation that shows that he is one who can take the worst and bend it to a lilac goodness that promises not only the scent of Spring, but an inner Spring?

Will he glance at his peers, shuffling along, never leaving the safe path, who only know the easy scent of a Lilac Vegetal that holds no challenge, and wonder if they live in a twilight that knows no dark shadow nor guiding light?

Will his heart stop for just a beat when he sees that dusty bottle, hidden and forgotten, and as he reaches for it will he hear the echoes of the laughter that we few, we happy few, we band of Veggers, have left behind us as markers on a road that few dared travel?

And, when he reads that faded print on the label, will he stare and say, "Crap! S2 code!" and put it right back?

Looks like those glass Aqua Velva bottles in the stash had better make room for some green neighbors...
The one problem I have with vintage Veg is that 50 years from now someone will crack it open and take a whiff and will say: Agh, my bottle has gone rancid! And they will never know...sadly they will never know.
The one problem I have with vintage Veg is that 50 years from now someone will crack it open and take a whiff and will say: Agh, my bottle has gone rancid! And they will never know...sadly they will never know.

Yes, they will. :biggrin1:
Years from now, will some young enthusiast comb the flea markets looking for the "vintage Veg"

Only before the judge orders a psychiatric evaluation... The reality is probably yes, and he'll most likely be drooling over the durable plastic bottle as opposed to the bio-degradable plastic bottle the new stuff comes in.
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Yesterday I got a bottle of LV and, I must say, it is great! Very pleasant scent of fresh lilacs. I am trying to find the numbers discussed in the OP. On the bottom of the bottle there are two codes: 9L19A, and under that is S/2. I am not finding any number on the front label. Looking at the label from the back side I read Item# 2710. Did I miss something?
I have to check my bottle, I've had it about 8 months, but I don't find anything offensive about the scent..


yes, S2 code on the bottom.
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Yesterday I got a bottle of LV and, I must say, it is great! Very pleasant scent of fresh lilacs. I am trying to find the numbers discussed in the OP. On the bottom of the bottle there are two codes: 9L19A, and under that is S/2. I am not finding any number on the front label. Looking at the label from the back side I read Item# 2710. Did I miss something?

maybe you have the smaller bottle (I have the small bottle also, no numbers on the label)? Bed Bath and Beyond carries the BIG bottles.
Yesterday I got a bottle of LV and, I must say, it is great! Very pleasant scent of fresh lilacs. I am trying to find the numbers discussed in the OP. On the bottom of the bottle there are two codes: 9L19A, and under that is S/2. I am not finding any number on the front label. Looking at the label from the back side I read Item# 2710. Did I miss something?


Look on the front label of the bottle--in the lower right corner of the label there should be a number that is printed vertically near the red stripe that goes all the way around the label...on mine it reads 13-0785...on older bottles it reads 13-0770...dont know if this means anything, but the 13-0785 bottles smell much nicer in my opinion---YMMV...

Marty E.

Look on the front label of the bottle--in the lower right corner of the label there should be a number that is printed vertically near the red stripe that goes all the way around the label...on mine it reads 13-0785...on older bottles it reads 13-0770...dont know if this means anything, but the 13-0785 bottles smell much nicer in my opinion---YMMV...

Marty E.

Well, I looked. No number. Is my bottle a misprint?
Wait....Bed Bath and Beyond carries LV?!

Yes, but just the ones with the expanded Healthcare sections.. usually there's one in larger metro areas. They also carry VDH White (Select) shaving soap, Wilkinson Sword DE blades, Bic Metal disposables and other aftershave goodies.


My elbows leak
Staff member
I think it's just because it hasn't sat on a shelf for 6 months in a cheap plastic bottle.
The stuff that has regains its fine scent if you get it out of the plastic.
Stopped in over this past weekend to my local Super Bed, Bath & Beyond to replenish my stock of LV. I keep an eye on the LV there and it definitely moves--somebody out there is buying it. A few weeks ago they were down to three bottles and this past Sat. there were ten (that's right, TEN--for you Vegetal naysayers!) The two bottles of 4711 next to the LV have been there since the store opened but the Veg is moving at a brisk pace indeed!!

As I'm checking out the bottles I notice that some of the LV bottles have a different label from the others. The type font is much smaller and the lilac branch logo is also smaller. In fact, when I compared the two bottles, the entire label is physically smaller on one of the bottles. The new small label bottles have a S2 date code while the older larger label bottles are either S1 or S0. So I am assuming the S2 is a new fresh batch. Also the small label bottle has a code on the lower right corner that reads 13-0785....

I get the new bottle home and crack it and man does it smell great! The Veg part is crisp, clean and very green smelling--there isn't any hint whatsoever of the composty, swampy funk that so many complain of...its just a fresh springtime scent and it jumps right into the floral/powder within mins. It's vastly different than my previous two bottles of LV. Straight outta the plastic bottle it's awesome.

I have to wonder if Pinaud "tinkered" with this batch or has made some adjustments to LV. A while back Nid Hog reported that the Special Reserve seemed to have been reformulated (and for the better) so it may be possible that LV is also undergoing some changes. It's either that or the batch is so new that the plastic bottle hasn't had a chance to degrade it. At any rate it's super--and LV fans may want to seek this out. I went back and bought a second bottle with the same date codes and its just as good. I'm set for a couple of years now.

So, look for the small label, S2 code on the bottom of the bottle and the 13-0785 on the right corner of the front label. The older bottles all have different codes. I think you'll be impressed..


Marty E.

Sounds like a plot by the Lilac Vegetalians!

Maybe OSHA finally condemned the old stuff? :confused:

Sadly they dumped it in a volcano in Iceland......

The one problem I have with vintage Veg is that 50 years from now someone will crack it open and take a whiff and will say: Agh, my bottle has gone rancid! And they will never know...sadly they will never know.

if that's the only problem you can come up with........

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