Stopped in over this past weekend to my local Super Bed, Bath & Beyond to replenish my stock of LV. I keep an eye on the LV there and it definitely moves--somebody out there is buying it. A few weeks ago they were down to three bottles and this past Sat. there were ten (that's right, TEN--for you Vegetal naysayers!) The two bottles of 4711 next to the LV have been there since the store opened but the Veg is moving at a brisk pace indeed!!
As I'm checking out the bottles I notice that some of the LV bottles have a different label from the others. The type font is much smaller and the lilac branch logo is also smaller. In fact, when I compared the two bottles, the entire label is physically smaller on one of the bottles. The new small label bottles have a S2 date code while the older larger label bottles are either S1 or S0. So I am assuming the S2 is a new fresh batch. Also the small label bottle has a code on the lower right corner that reads 13-0785....
I get the new bottle home and crack it and man does it smell great! The Veg part is crisp, clean and very green smelling--there isn't any hint whatsoever of the composty, swampy funk that so many complain of...its just a fresh springtime scent and it jumps right into the floral/powder within mins. It's vastly different than my previous two bottles of LV. Straight outta the plastic bottle it's awesome.
I have to wonder if Pinaud "tinkered" with this batch or has made some adjustments to LV. A while back Nid Hog reported that the Special Reserve seemed to have been reformulated (and for the better) so it may be possible that LV is also undergoing some changes. It's either that or the batch is so new that the plastic bottle hasn't had a chance to degrade it. At any rate it's super--and LV fans may want to seek this out. I went back and bought a second bottle with the same date codes and its just as good. I'm set for a couple of years now.
So, look for the small label, S2 code on the bottom of the bottle and the 13-0785 on the right corner of the front label. The older bottles all have different codes. I think you'll be impressed..
Marty E.
As I'm checking out the bottles I notice that some of the LV bottles have a different label from the others. The type font is much smaller and the lilac branch logo is also smaller. In fact, when I compared the two bottles, the entire label is physically smaller on one of the bottles. The new small label bottles have a S2 date code while the older larger label bottles are either S1 or S0. So I am assuming the S2 is a new fresh batch. Also the small label bottle has a code on the lower right corner that reads 13-0785....
I get the new bottle home and crack it and man does it smell great! The Veg part is crisp, clean and very green smelling--there isn't any hint whatsoever of the composty, swampy funk that so many complain of...its just a fresh springtime scent and it jumps right into the floral/powder within mins. It's vastly different than my previous two bottles of LV. Straight outta the plastic bottle it's awesome.
I have to wonder if Pinaud "tinkered" with this batch or has made some adjustments to LV. A while back Nid Hog reported that the Special Reserve seemed to have been reformulated (and for the better) so it may be possible that LV is also undergoing some changes. It's either that or the batch is so new that the plastic bottle hasn't had a chance to degrade it. At any rate it's super--and LV fans may want to seek this out. I went back and bought a second bottle with the same date codes and its just as good. I'm set for a couple of years now.
So, look for the small label, S2 code on the bottom of the bottle and the 13-0785 on the right corner of the front label. The older bottles all have different codes. I think you'll be impressed..
Marty E.