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I've just acquired a new LiJun & 1980 finest badger brush. It's a 2-band finest badger brush made in China.

It shed a few hairs on the first use, but that's no reason to worry about. The price was about 13€ including shipping. It's rather cheap and the quality is also very good. I'm not saying this one would compete with a Rooney or Simpson, but it sure can compete with some 50€ badger brushes on the market. I will review it ASAP

That brush looks great. Thanks for posting the photo- I'm looking forward to your review.
I've got one of these as well (different handle) this is definitely a good newbie brush, at $17 it will beat the pants off a Tweezerman. I'll post pics of mine later too.:thumbup1:
It's the first brush I see with description written in Comic Sans :biggrin1:.

The handle and the knot look great, though.
What is the knot size and loft of this brush? I have seen them on Ebay, but they dont give much useful info. How is the density? I assumed they were med/low but thats not always bad for everyone.
What is the knot size and loft of this brush? I have seen them on Ebay, but they dont give much useful info. How is the density? I assumed they were med/low but thats not always bad for everyone.

mine is medium density, knot is a 21 at about 50 (little high for my personal preferance)
What is the knot size and loft of this brush? I have seen them on Ebay, but they dont give much useful info. How is the density? I assumed they were med/low but thats not always bad for everyone.

-Handle Height:54mm
-Total Height:10.5cm
That brush looks great.
Some of these cheap ebay brushes look so much nicer than the Delong I bought a couple of years ago for around the same price. How much of that is cosmetic and how much is an actual improvement, I'd not sure. Be interested to hear opinions.
I have two LiJun &1980 that I got for a whopping $7 (+ shipping from China) total like $35.

One was this Finest, mine has a faux marble handle, nice weight, probably a similar knot and loft to the one in this thread.

HERE is a photo of my December acquisitions, the one on the right is the finest.

The one on the left is a silvertip. I like both of them. They far surpass my EJ Pure badger. Even the silvertip has no problem lathering a hard soap (Taylor Lavender), I have ended up with far too much product the last several days (loading too much).

The silvertip is very soft, and the finest is soft as well. No scratchiness.
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