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Newbie says Face Lathering is the Bees Knees!!

Hi there :w00t:

I'm new. From New Zealand. Been reading for a few months; finally decided to join.

I've officially jumped onto the DE Bandwagon!!

So during my second ever DE shave I accidentally stumbled upon the the art of face lathering:

As the Tabac lather quickly began to dry up and disappear from my face (due to my very, very poor mug lathering technique) I grew increasingly frustrated;

So I swiveled my brush onto the Orgasmic smelling Tabac and began applying it directly to my face.

In about 30 seconds; Presto! I had some decent lather (much better than the stuff I had previously been making in my Mug)

It probably wasn't even that great but damn it felt good and I'm sure there's plenty of room for improvement :001_smile

I realized that while generating lather directly to your face It is much easier to gauge the quality, and obviously the feel of it compared with generating it in a mug (where what may look decent for a newbie, is actually crap - It probably didn't help that I was using a white mug :001_rolle)

So yeah, I just wanted to share my experience and maybe help a fellow newbie out (try face lathering :thumbup:)

and also just to say Hi

Seems like you guys have a great little community going here; and which seems to be ever increasing!!

Oh yeah, excuse me If I ask some stupid question over the next couple of months :001_smile
Welcome to B&B from across the ditch.
Lots to learn on here and a great bunch of members.
I love face lathering too and it's great for exfoliation plus the morning wake up if you use Proraso (or Tabac):cool:
Welcome to B&B mate!
Face lathering is awsome ey. And Tabac - well, all I can say is your description is pretty spot on. Great stuff!

Check out this greatthis aussie shaving supplies thread - you might find it usefull as many vendors will also ship to ol' NZ too.
'Stupid questions'? The only really stupid question is the unasked one... but then again (ok won't go down philosophical path).

Welcome neighbour!

+1 on face lathering! I stumbled onto face lathering before I discovered these shaving forums and DEs and then straight razors.

Then I tried out bowl lathering which was kind of fun too.

However - I then returned to face lathering, as much for simplicity as for any other reason. Lots of other good things about it though.

Enjoy the journey!!:smile:

All the best,
There are no stupid questions, only stupid people. :wink:

Sorry, couldn't resist. Rest assured that we will patiently answer any question you have, and we won't make fun of you, either.
I've never really understood mug lathering, the lather is supposed to go on your face not inside a cup:001_rolle

P.s welcome to B&B!!
+1 to face lathering. I am kind of lazy and that's the reason I started with face lathering. But later, I figured out you get an added advantage of face massage with it. I did observe that I am using more cream than the recommended amount (on this board) but who cares I love to finish with one cream as soon as I can and get a new one. :biggrin:
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