Hi there
I'm new. From New Zealand. Been reading for a few months; finally decided to join.
I've officially jumped onto the DE Bandwagon!!
So during my second ever DE shave I accidentally stumbled upon the the art of face lathering:
As the Tabac lather quickly began to dry up and disappear from my face (due to my very, very poor mug lathering technique) I grew increasingly frustrated;
So I swiveled my brush onto the Orgasmic smelling Tabac and began applying it directly to my face.
In about 30 seconds; Presto! I had some decent lather (much better than the stuff I had previously been making in my Mug)
It probably wasn't even that great but damn it felt good and I'm sure there's plenty of room for improvement
I realized that while generating lather directly to your face It is much easier to gauge the quality, and obviously the feel of it compared with generating it in a mug (where what may look decent for a newbie, is actually crap - It probably didn't help that I was using a white mug )
So yeah, I just wanted to share my experience and maybe help a fellow newbie out (try face lathering )
and also just to say Hi
Seems like you guys have a great little community going here; and which seems to be ever increasing!!
Oh yeah, excuse me If I ask some stupid question over the next couple of months
I'm new. From New Zealand. Been reading for a few months; finally decided to join.
I've officially jumped onto the DE Bandwagon!!
So during my second ever DE shave I accidentally stumbled upon the the art of face lathering:
As the Tabac lather quickly began to dry up and disappear from my face (due to my very, very poor mug lathering technique) I grew increasingly frustrated;
So I swiveled my brush onto the Orgasmic smelling Tabac and began applying it directly to my face.
In about 30 seconds; Presto! I had some decent lather (much better than the stuff I had previously been making in my Mug)
It probably wasn't even that great but damn it felt good and I'm sure there's plenty of room for improvement
I realized that while generating lather directly to your face It is much easier to gauge the quality, and obviously the feel of it compared with generating it in a mug (where what may look decent for a newbie, is actually crap - It probably didn't help that I was using a white mug )
So yeah, I just wanted to share my experience and maybe help a fellow newbie out (try face lathering )
and also just to say Hi
Seems like you guys have a great little community going here; and which seems to be ever increasing!!
Oh yeah, excuse me If I ask some stupid question over the next couple of months