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Newbie Question Re Above the Tie Handmade Brush

​Has anyone had experience with the handmade brushes offered by Above the Tie? They are all described as silvertip badger, 55mm loft, 22mm knot and made in Tennessee. Description of the beautiful handles is either exotic wood or Acrylester. I would like to know about backbone for face-lathering as well as creation and release of lather. Thanks for your assistance.
Aren't most brushes largely hand made?
That was my thinking. I used the site description of this brush, but just stated it is made in TN. Also, I've yet understand why the general description of the handles of these brushes state they are are made of exotic woods, but the description of each brush state the handle is made of Acrylester. Isn't that a plastic? When I get a chance, I'll email the contact page for that answer. They are beautiful, though. But I need to know how the brush performs. Bling is a bonus.
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