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Newbie mistake (do not try this @ home)

Hello everyone. As some of you know, I have been working on my lahering and trying to build a good lather. Tonight I sat in a warm tub (and my wonderful wife brought me a terrific mug of hot tea) and I thought I would practice lathering. I used a Tweezerman badger brush as well as two soaps and one cream. I loaded my brush with Williams and then went to making lather on my face while using a mirror to give me some feedback. I swirled on my face for two minutes. It was not slick and I would not shave with it period. I am starting to wonder if Williams is junk. LOL
Next I did the same thing with VDH deluxe. I did make a nicer, slicker lather that seemed to be shave ready. It was my best VDH lather to date and I was proud of myself.
Lastly I used The Real Shave Co. sensitive skin cream. I rubbed it on my face and then lathered it by swirling the brush on my face for two minutes. So I have a total of six minutes of "scrubbing" my face. TRSC made the best and slickest lather for me by far. It was a night and day difference from the Williams and better than the VDH. All sound great doesn't it? You would be wrong.
My face is on fire. If you are a newbie or you have sensitive skin like I do, do not try this. My wife says my face is very red and it stings so badly I want to tear up. I put witch hazel on it hoping it would help, it did nothing. I tried rubbing alcohol, it did nothing. I tried aloe gel and it did a bit of cooling. I can feel the heat in my face, it is like a sunburn.
I am typing this to let others know to not try this. Take it from me and just trust me. :) I do know now how to build a better lather than I did before but I made that newbie mistake and kept trying rather than spreading it out over a day or too.
Thank you to all of you who have been helping me learn to make better lathers. You advice is working very well for me, I just went to far I think. :) In a nutshell, lesson learned and I will not do it again. LOL :)
Unfortunately, sometimes we have to learn the hard way. We both had a learning lesson this week!!! (go figure) Hope the face feels better soon!!!
Was the problem caused by too much scrubbing or some kind of reaction to the soap/cream combination? Did you actually shave prior to this happening?
Was the problem caused by too much scrubbing or some kind of reaction to the soap/cream combination? Did you actually shave prior to this happening?

I did not shave prior to this happening. I simply wanted to practice my lathering skills. I am wondering if it is the combo of using 2 soaps and 1 cream (too much "cleaning" of the face", or the scrubbing of the brush where as I could feel the pricky bristles, or a combo of it all.
Gold Bond Ultimate --- Healing Skin Therapy Lotion. You might consider getting some of this stuff. it works for me. I have done similar things to my face from time to time.
Had you used all of these products before without a problem, or was one of them on your face for the first time? If any of them were on your face for the first time, I think you had an allergic reaction -- stay away from that product. If it makes you feel any better, the same thing happened to me on Friday. I tried a new shaving cream as part of a superlather (mixed Erasmic with MWF), and had a rash on my face for the rest of the day. I have not shaved this weekend to give my face a rest.

I hope your face heals quickly!
Had you used all of these products before without a problem, or was one of them on your face for the first time? If any of them were on your face for the first time, I think you had an allergic reaction -- stay away from that product. If it makes you feel any better, the same thing happened to me on Friday. I tried a new shaving cream as part of a superlather (mixed Erasmic with MWF), and had a rash on my face for the rest of the day. I have not shaved this weekend to give my face a rest.

I hope your face heals quickly!

I have used all three seperately with no troubles at all. I did the same tonight...used one at a time, rinsed and went to the next. One after the other with no time passing....I did not wait hours between latherings. I have Aveeno fragrance free oatmeal lotion, Hydrocortisone, pain pills like advil and Tylenol, and Benadryl.
I think you might have just scrubbed to much and took the top layer of skin off...

I have done the same thing I was trying a face lathering experiment with a really dry lather of Williams, before I even got the blade to my face it was on fire.
... I loaded my brush with Williams and then went to making lather on my face while using a mirror to give me some feedback. I swirled on my face for two minutes. It was not slick and I would not shave with it period. I am starting to wonder if Williams is junk...

...My face is on fire. If you are a newbie or you have sensitive skin like I do, do not try this. My wife says my face is very red and it stings so badly I want to tear up. I put witch hazel on it hoping it would help, it did nothing. I tried rubbing alcohol, it did nothing. I tried aloe gel and it did a bit of cooling. I can feel the heat in my face, it is like a sunburn...

I will personally never try Williams again. I found it difficult to lather, and it smells like Lemonheads. Once I did get a lather built up it dried up too fast. It resulted in the absolute worst irritation of any shave in my life, and I am not especially prone to irritation.

This leads me to one piece of advice: If you've got REALLY bad irritation, try some Neosporin or a generic counterpart (I used Walgreens generic). It cleared the irritation up nearly instantly for me.
I will personally never try Williams again. I found it difficult to lather, and it smells like Lemonheads. Once I did get a lather built up it dried up too fast. It resulted in the absolute worst irritation of any shave in my life, and I am not especially prone to irritation.

This leads me to one piece of advice: If you've got REALLY bad irritation, try some Neosporin or a generic counterpart (I used Walgreens generic). It cleared the irritation up nearly instantly for me.

Well heres the thing I have used Williams for almost 2 years and always go back to it as my soap...

I can never duplicate my shaves without Williams its the closest shave I can ever achieve but you're right its a pita to lather.
Sorry to read that but thanks for the post. It was very informative to a fellow newbie such as myself. I hope your face feels better. I used EJ soap to lather up twice and have not had much luck but I know my technique is very bad and posts like yours helps very much. Thanks again.
OUCH, that sounds super painful Paul. Sorry to hear about your bad experience, but I do admire your never give up attitude. :w00t:

I had a similar experience, the one, and only time I used "The Real Shaving Company" facial scrub. It actually has fine chunks of walnuts ground into it, and it felt like applying sandpaper to my face. My face burned for about a hour afterward, and I promptly binned that wretched product!!
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OUCH, that sounds super painful Paul. Sorry to hear about your bad experience, but I do admire you never give up attitude. :w00t:

I had a similar experience, the one, and only time I used "The Real Shaving Company" facial scrub. It actually has fine chunks of walnuts ground into it, and it felt like applying sandpaper to my face. My face burned for about a hour afterward, and I promptly binned that wretched product!!

You have been hanging around the Brits to much :lol:
"Hello everyone. As some of you know, I have been working on my lathering and trying to build a good lather. Tonight I sat in a warm tub (and my wonderful wife brought me a terrific mug of hot tea) and I thought I would practice lathering....."

That really IS a wonderful wife, to bring you a mug of hot tea. Just last night, while I was relaxing in the tub, my wife came in, topless, and brought me a scotch on the rocks, and left quietly. A minute later she was back, carrying one of my humidors. She knelt down next to the tub and raised the lid. She looked at me inquiringly and I gave her a slight nod. She then removed a cigar, and closed the lid and set the humidor down. She reached into her apron pocket, (which was one of those frilly french maid things) and drew out a cigar clipper and lighter. After she clipped the end and lit it for me she placed it in my lips and left. As she walked out she said that she hoped she had made me sufficiently comfortable and if there was anything else I wanted, anything at all, just let her know......NAH, just kidding...I ain't even married, don't like scotch and absolutely hate tub baths:lol:
:eek:Considering that you had used the three products separately, this definitely sounds like irritation due to brush scrubbing rather than an allergy to one particular product. I frankly find that needless lathering (even if the scrubbing action is mildly pleasurable, relaxing and/or presumably exfoliating) cannot be good for the skin as it will inevitably irritate it and dry it, specially on an unaccustomed face and led by inexperienced hands. My advise to you is to practice lathering in a bowl or on a different part of your body.
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