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Newbie Hone Question

Hi Everyone,

I have been shaving with straight razors for about 2 months now and I am loving it. However, my beard is very hard and needs a shave daily. This has resulted in my only straight razor becoming blunt (I think). My ATG passes are beginning to sound noisy and pull. To mitigate this, I have purchased some more razors and want to start honing myself.

My question : What kind of hone would be a good for a noob like me??

1. Barbers hone : From what I have read its a good place to star for a newbie. Should I get something like a Franz Swaty??

2. Synthetic hone : Naniwa 3K/ 8K combo stone from SRD or a Shapton??

3. Coticule/ BBW : I am enamored by this stone just for the sheer desirability of it. I dont know if a noob like me can even make the most of it and

Thanks in advance for the advice.

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