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Newbie Here

Hey All. You can call me Ben. I'm from Texas and I'm brand new to this forum. Hope to make some friends!

Hi Ben and welcome! Switching to DE/SE shaving will be probably one of the best decisions you'll ever made in your life. It will get only better and better. Do you have already a setup or are you still looking around?
Thanks everyone! I mostly started looking to get a closer shave. I don't like having any facial hair, so I need a pretty aggressive shave. The cartridge razors were pretty expensive after awhile and I also didn't like the offerings that most people had from Harry's or DSC. So I recently got a Feather AS-D2 with the blades and I bought Martin de Candre rose soap.
Thanks everyone! I mostly started looking to get a closer shave. I don't like having any facial hair, so I need a pretty aggressive shave. The cartridge razors were pretty expensive after awhile and I also didn't like the offerings that most people had from Harry's or DSC. So I recently got a Feather AS-D2 with the blades and I bought Martin de Candre rose soap.
That will certainly be a great start into wet shaving. Please let us know if you have any questions or if you need any assistance. 👍
Thanks everyone! I mostly started looking to get a closer shave. I don't like having any facial hair, so I need a pretty aggressive shave. The cartridge razors were pretty expensive after awhile and I also didn't like the offerings that most people had from Harry's or DSC. So I recently got a Feather AS-D2 with the blades and I bought Martin de Candre rose soap.

Welcome, Ben. 🙂

Looks like you started at the top, with a fine razor and soap.
Hi Ben, glad you've joined! This is a friendly bunch of folks here, totally different than most other forums. Feel free to ask any questions. Jump in & join the fun!!!

I'm giving away a sample pack of razor blades, feel free to enter. Here's the link: Free Razor Blades.
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