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Newb question: Old razor blades

So, I've used my Astra blades for 4 or 5 shaves and its starting to get old. What do I do with it? It's basically a perfectly good piece of metal, so I really don't want to throw it away! I know some guys recycle/sharpen the blades. I just really feel bad throwing them away...

I guess my main question is... is it worth it to sharpen them? If its really hard/requires experience/lots of time, its probably not worth it. Your thoughts?

The Nuclear Shaver
Not worth it to sharpen them.

Make a blade bank out of a can of broth, and when it fills up in 10 years, recycle that.
Is there a way to at least recycle the metal? Seems like such a waste...

Dude, it's like half a gram of steel. I applaud your environment-mindedness, but seriously, let this one go. The important thing is that no one cuts themselves on your blade (it's probably got microscopic bits of your blood on it - disease risk/scares), so make some form of blade bank as suggested, especially if you live in a country where people manually handle garbage.

Also, remember that they should be treated like 'sharps' - hypodermic syringes and the like, so don't put them somewhere that says "no sharps".
I like the idea of my Medicine cabinet, it has a slot cut in the back specifically for razor blades, out of sight, out of mind, it would take you a life time to fill a stud cavity with razors, and theres little chance of someone getting cut, and if the wall ever gets taken down it will be a long time off

You could always get a medical sharps disposal container and put them in there, there should be someplace around you that will take medical sharps, obviously hospitals do something with them
Yes, it's only a bit of metal, but that still has to come from somewhere, and given how easy it is to recycle the metal, seriously, it seems foolish not​ to recycle them.
Yes, it's only a bit of metal, but that still has to come from somewhere, and given how easy it is to recycle the metal, seriously, it seems foolish not​ to recycle them.
The problem is that most community recycling centers are not set up to process medical waste, which this could be considered.

Take them to a hospital or doctor's office and they will be happy to process them with their own sharps.
You can buy a blade bank for a buck from Em's, WCS, and many other shave suppliers, or as mentioned above, simply make one.
My friends son has Type I diabetes, and they have a sharps box that he drops off at the hospital every month and he says they even try to recycle some of the metal. So win win there. Thanks guys.
I will have to ask around, we are surrounded by a number of hospitals and healthcare service providers, I like the idea of recycling with the sharps if that is an option.
In Maine, the law allows us to discard sharps in our residential trash. They must be in a secured, puncture proof container, and they are NOT to be put in recyclable containers. Just FYI...


Used to have fun with Commander Yellow Pantyhose
I like the idea of my Medicine cabinet, it has a slot cut in the back specifically for razor blades, out of sight, out of mind, it would take you a life time to fill a stud cavity with razors, and theres little chance of someone getting cut, and if the wall ever gets taken down it will be a long time off

You could always get a medical sharps disposal container and put them in there, there should be someplace around you that will take medical sharps, obviously hospitals do something with them

This is what i do, too.
In Maine, the law allows us to discard sharps in our residential trash. They must be in a secured, puncture proof container, and they are NOT to be put in recyclable containers. Just FYI...

That can be easily done as well, some blade dispensers come with built in used blade storage slots
I put them in a blade bank, and dispose of the blade bank in the trash when full. I don't want some guy on a recycling sorting line being cut if the bank should split open somewhere along the recycling chain. How would you feel if you were the guy cut with a razor blade and you didn't know who used it? Be real. We are talking an insignificant amount of metal here. The thought should be SAFETY FIRST.
I put them in a blade bank, and dispose of the blade bank in the trash when full. I don't want some guy on a recycling sorting line being cut if the bank should split open somewhere along the recycling chain. How would you feel if you were the guy cut with a razor blade and you didn't know who used it? Be real. We are talking an insignificant amount of metal here. The thought should be SAFETY FIRST.

I wasn't literally suggesting putting it into the recycling bin... As I said above, the hospital can recycle sharps, so problem solved.
I really don't see how a razor blade could be considered 'medical waste', any more than a tin can you cut your finger on would be. The presence of blood isn't the problem, it's exposure to infectious disease, and my blades definitely weren't!
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