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New/Vintage Brush..What is it???

I am getting closer to a full-on wet shave,Piece by Piece...This is a Vintage? brush,that I plan on using,BUT,I feel I should Sanitize it First..I am new(1st razor and 1st brush),so,any tips are greatly appreciated...By the way,Any Ideas if this is Boars Hair,and maybe the vintage,70's,or brand ??..Thanks guys
Vintage is Possible but unlikely...You appear to have a VDH or Surrey brand (same) Boar Hair Brush that I am sure of.
Okay,sounds good..this will be a keeper/user,since it is my first one..any suggestions on sanitizing it?
Lather with dish soap (scrubbing bubbles)....let soak in solution for an hour...wash...lather with a shaving soap...let sit moist all night...rinse and dry.
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