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New trick to get stuck adjuster dial working.

I bought another Fatboy razor with a stuck adjuster. I tried to free it using WD-40, CLR, liquid wrench, boiling, etc... nothing worked. So I got a pair of pliers, wrapped a cloth around the dial, clamped down on the razor adjuster dial, held the handle with my hand and turned the dial with the pliers. It took a couple of tries, but eventually the dial became free. Lots of black, dried crud fell out of the bottom of the adjuster, but the razor is working now. So if all fails, get out the pliers. The cloth I used was to protect the finish of the razor so the plier's teeth wouldn't damage the razor.


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That's good to know. I would try to disassemble the razor first to see where it got stuck but that's another way to do it. Good work!
Just a word of caution. I had a toggle that would move from 9 to 3 but no lower. I used the plier approach (vise wrench actually but same concept) and a bit too much force. I got the adjuster ring to move finally bit it broke the click stop mechansim.:mad: I later got a working toggle and I realized the adjuster on the first one was completely non functional even at baseline. But just becareful with this brute strength approach. Consider it a step of last resort


Good advice ctakim. I hope most people realize that once the pliers come out, its possible complete devastation.
The Fatboy wasn't in the greatest condition and I only paid $5, so no big loss if I toasted it. Also since it was stuck on 9, it would be aggressive to shave with, so I had to try and get the dial working. After I freed the adjuster, it clicks on all settings 1-9 and it adjusts the blade gap, so I'm sure I didn't break anything. But it was my last resort.
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