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New toys & a few questions


Smoking a corn dog in aviators and a top hat
Got a package in the mail today. It was a lot of three Ever Readys (Readies?; Readii?) that I bought on eBay. I'd been looking for a lather catcher, and I kept getting outbid, so I finally bought a lot that had one. More than I really wanted to pay, but divided among three razors it's not bad. I wound up with the lather catcher, a 24/14, and a 1924.

I already had a '14, but this one seems to be in a bit better shape, and it's a tiny bit different, which brings up my first question. On my original 24/14, the blade stops are just small nubs. On the new one, they're hooks, like on a 1912. Anyone know which one came first?
My original 24/14:

The new one:

Now here's the real prize. I'm not really up to date on what the various lather catchers are called. Is this a 1907?

And how's the angle look on the face? When I got it, it was bent way down, and I was pretty sure that wasn't right, so I bent it back up, but I don't know if I got it right, or if I should have even touched it. I don't think it will affect the shaveability, but I'd like to hear some thoughts.


Smoking a corn dog in aviators and a top hat
Oh, yeah. How long did they make those lather catchers? I know there's not a way to precisely date it, but it would be cool if I could narrow down the time-frame.

Nice score, Kilroy! That lather catcher is sweetest.

Sorry, I can't help with your '14 question. Enjoy your new acquisitions. :thumbup:
I believe the earlier 1914 models had small blade stops though if I am wrong I am sure someone will correct my information. I too have an Ever Ready lather catcher (with the ER initials on the top) it was also bent. The top left front of the edge (from the top part where the blade rests) was angled down so I tried to bend it back into shape. The final result isn't perfect but it's far better then it used to be it has a slight slant effect now. Be careful attempting to bend it back.
Nubs came first on 14, then hooks. The lather catcher looks ok now for the most part. I wouldn't fool with it any more. It is close to stock going from mine. Be careful with the blade stops on the lather catcher as well, they are fragile. Every time my little cousin sees that thing, she laughs and says how can I use something as tiny as a toy when my hands are huge. With three fingers, that's how...
The problem with the nubs is the blade can shift around and that just stinks. If you have never used a 24 before, be careful. It's hard to explain, but you tend to lose feel for where the blade is in that thing. The angle on the 24 is also different than any gem/er se that I know of. Not as flat.


Smoking a corn dog in aviators and a top hat
If you have never used a 24 before, be careful. It's hard to explain, but you tend to lose feel for where the blade is in that thing. The angle on the 24 is also different than any gem/er se that I know of. Not as flat.
I had that problem with my old '14. It's only recently I've started to get the hang of it. We'll see how it goes.
Be carefull with the 24 as i find it to be an aggresive razor, just make sure the blade is in correctly, but as ever ymmv.

just my 2p worth
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