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New toy: Bull Mastiff

My Bull Mastiff came in yesterday, along with my Georgetown Pottery brush scuttle. I posted a pic in the SOTD thread. But this is the razor thread so I thought I would post a pic here with my recent open comb fever line up.

It goes left to right, Muhle R41, Merkur 11C, Bull Mastiff and a Bull Mastiff Ultra Lite. The Bull Mastiffs both have New heads.

The Bull Mastiff is a heavy hunk of steel, but I thought had good balance. It's a great shaver. I only thought the 11C was heavy, it feels like a toy in comparison to the Mastiff.
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nice looking razors! And feedback on the shave the Bull Mastiff gives is helpful, thanks. It I have a Bull Mastiff XL with a New head, on order from Bob, and can't wait to try it!
I agree Bill, It's a nice shaving tool. It definitely has a presence about it when held near your face. The ultra lite mastiff on the right was from SJBFIRE and he had the nickel plated knob added I blieve for balance. That as a great touch on his part. A couple of those razors might be in the BST threads soon. I just like the Mastiff that much.

The composition of your photo is nice. I love the photos you seem to put together. The blue floid with the nancy boy logo, and all the black tones tied together with the razor with nice flow from left to right.
Thank you bud, :thumbup:

I need a better camera Ill I have is a cheap point and shoot. I tinker around with the settings as best I can.

I forgot to mention the razor pictured is a stubby ultra lite bull mastiff with a short comb new. I actually just used it today with the old type head. Looks like we have similar tastes Michael I cant recall if you use straights as well?
I forgot to mention the razor pictured is a stubby ultra lite bull mastiff with a short comb new. I actually just used it today with the old type head. Looks like we have similar tastes Michael I cant recall if you use straights as well?

I bought my first straight and strop from you heh. They are both holding up well. I use them on the weekends and I am getting better at them, but recently been bit by the open comb bug and just had to have a Bull Mastiff.

you were great to work with and very professional and informative in your emails. The razor showed up safe and is just a machine. I feel lucky to own it and I hope that people consider your work when they go looking for razors. I almost feel like it should be in a rolling tool chest next to the Craftsmen wrenches and screwdrivers.
I bought my first straight and strop from you heh. They are both holding up well. I use them on the weekends and I am getting better at them, but recently been bit by the open comb bug and just had to have a Bull Mastiff.

:lol: man my memory has never been my strong suit. Glad to hear they are holding up for you, if you ever need a touch up let me know. Ive got new stones.

He's a Scholar and a Gentleman too and a pleasure to do business with.

Thank you, like wise bud :thumbup1: looking forward to the new projects!

Ambrose is an artist.

:blushing: Im not even sure why I got this praise but definitely much appreciated. I know youre a cool guy around this place :thumbup:

Now back to the topic, Sueto's new toy a Bullmastiff a great DE handle :thumbup1:
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