Hey everyone this is my first post on here. I'm Ryan I have been wet shaving for a week and love it is great however, I do have a few questions more like alot of questions I never new shaving could be so complicated. I first found out about wet shaving when I use to word at Crabtree&Evelyn about a year ago so many people came in asking for shave brushes and shave sets and paid about $8o for a shave brush I just thought that there were crazy but as I got to start talking to people they told me how shaving is like a hobby and using a brush works so well and i kept picking up little by little about shaving yes I know its crazy when I was working there I didnt know how to have with a brush or anything no one I use to work with knew. Every once in a while they would give us store credit to spend on what we want and i wanted stuff for myself this time instead of gifts so I got a jar of nomad shaving cream and a best badger shave brush. These products sat in my bathroom for about a year and a few months until one day i was bored and on youtube so I kept typing random stuff into the search bar and watching random stuff so I came across this youtube channel all about shaving it was good videos this happend about a week ago after i got done with the videos I went to shave and I got my stuff I have had sitting there for sometime and i shaved it took me a while im kinda getting the hang of it but its still tricky. I use a best badger brush geillete fusion nevea for men face scrub before I use nevea for men alcohol free after shave for sensitive skin I do four passes I want to try to get a smooth shave real smooth with no hair at all so I do four passes first pass I do with the grain the second pass I do going east the third pass i do going west than I shave against the grain I still get irritation and its not really the smooth baby bottom shave im looking for. My beard isnt really a full thick kind of beard its more of a really thick type of peach fuzz. Is there anything I should do differently? What kind of shave cream or shave soup should I use what kind of shave brush? Should I get a saftey razor? Another thing is with my shave brush it seems like I have a few bent bristles not many maybe 3 that are bent how do I prevent that from happening? Sorry for all the questions guys im just new to this whole thing and love the fact that my gf finds it attractive i shave with a brush. If anyone can help me it would be greatly appreciated Thanks