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So I recently started using a saftey razor that I purchased at The art of Shaving and they refered me to this site to purchase blades. I purchased the everything sample pack, my question is How many shaves is average for these blades? Also I noticed on the Astras that there are numbers in the lower corner of the blades, does this meen that I can or should flip these blades around and rotate thru the numbers??Thanks for the help
Most lower end blades I get from 2-4 good shaves. Some of the better blades (Feathers and Astras) I get 7 or more days. What makes a difference is that I sport a balbo goatee and I don't have to shave the toughest whiskers.

By the way, the numbers on the blade mean nothing to us. There is page after page of reading on this subject if you search for it in this forum.
Welcome to B&B. While you're learning this new (to you) method of shaving, it'd probably be best to not try to stretch a blade too far. If you're on your 5th or 6th shave on a blade and it's a really rough shave, was it the blade or was your technique "off" that morning. So, while you're getting your technique down, you might want to swap out the blade after 2 or 3 shaves.

As for the numbers on various blades, they're part of the QA/QC system for the manufacturer. They don't have any meaning for the end user.
So I recently started using a saftey razor that I purchased at The art of Shaving and they refered me to this site to purchase blades. I purchased the everything sample pack, my question is How many shaves is average for these blades? Also I noticed on the Astras that there are numbers in the lower corner of the blades, does this meen that I can or should flip these blades around and rotate thru the numbers??Thanks for the help
3 shaves and chuck it. Blades are cheap.
I don't flip the blade. Once it's in there I use that blade to shave until it doesn't feel like it's cutting the whiskers well. Depending on your beard this can take 1-10 or more shaves, but normally 5 or less. Some blades get better after the first shave IMO. I wouldn't worry about any numbers printed on a DE blade if they come in the same pack they are all the same.

Who knows, maybe flipping the blade every few shaves might make them last longer? There's no harm in trying but it isn't necessary.
Welcome to the fabulously exciting (and dare I say it...expensive (due to the acquisition disorders surely to come your way)) world of DE shaving. Blades are cheap enough, so I change them after 3 shaves.
Welcome to B&B!

You can expect 3 good shaves from these blades. The numbers don't have any significance for the end user. You don't have to flip the blades to fully utilize them.
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