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New to double edge shaving

I'm shaving the other morning using my usual Barbasol in the can. I am new to double-edged shaving and have recently bought a brush and I'm going to use large coffee cup as a mug… I use a soap by the name of Kirks Castile coconut oil soap to shower with and it makes fantastic lather so I'm going to try with my new badger hair brush, hopefully it will work out well. Al Newman
gday Al the more you wetshave the more you want to explore the options available in this exciting world of hair removal. coconut oils soap and a badger brush make a great combo - what blade and razor are you using?
welcome - you will find multiple options here - I would recommend that you look into one of established soaps/creams so that you know when your equipment/products are not giving you optimum results !
Right at the moment I'm using it Gillette flare tip medium that I get on eBay. I have been wanting to try shaving with a double-edged razor for quite some time and now I have finally done it. The Kirks Castile soap works out excellent, lots of lather and it doesn't leave my face dried out. A buddy of mine that is older than me told me that when he was in the military he was stationed on Guam and that's where he found out about this particular soap, I think it's made in the Philippine's, anyway with a good blade so far so good.
Welcome Alfred. Every shaver owes it to themselves to try Tabac, Mitchells Wool Fat and Proraso in the tube. The MWF has a learning curve, but Tabac and Proraso are foolproof. Enjoy the journey.
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