Hello All! After years enjoying DE shaving I took the plunge on this (1196 Decorated Juniper Wood 5/8). I'm on my third shave now with it and must say, outside of a few inconsistencies here and there, this last shave was as smooth (and some parts even smoother) as my DE. I'm quite happy with that so soon into it. I go WTG all around, then XTG face and ATG neck. 2 passes total. The the paperwork says the blade is good to go out of the box, I'm not 100% sure. It sometimes pulls a bit and I get randomly located irritation on a small part of my neck. It does pass the single hair cut test so I've attributed it mostly to my technique needing to improve, but not having any reference point I don't really know. Right off the bat though, I could tell that I might prefer a heavier blade - this one seems so light to me. I should add that as hard as I tried, to my newbie eyes I could not find a single flaw on the product.