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New stone ID

I just acquired a new hone from a flea market and I have no idea what it is. It is very smooth and light green with a pattern sort of like clouds. Slury is the same color as the stone. It is about 2 1/2 x 6 and about 1 inch thick. Medium hard. It is lighter than the pics. Any help with grit size or what it is would be appreciated. Thanks.


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I lapped it, and I wet it and you could not even tell it was wet. It looked the same. The sides have not been lapped and are sealed with lacquer or something and is black looking.
if the sides are sealed, and black - that view won't tell us much.

Can you show a photo of the bottom?
It looks like my Ozuku too but mine is also a very hard stone. Don't know, I love the pattern though.
Well, I have been looking a a LOT of pics of hones on the internet and I have come to the conclusion that it must be the Ozuku. I tried the stone on my razor and it left a very nice edge. I gave my razor twenty passes, and it gave me a great shave.. Considering I only paid a dollar for it, I am very happy. Thanks for all the help...
I am almost 100% sure it isn't a Jnat, but if he edge is fine off of the stone, than it isn't really important. I would say it is a thuri, I had some thuris that looked very similar to this one.
The weird thing is, this stone feels really smooth to the touch. Like a 12 K but not when a razor is passed over it. Then it feels just slightly gritty. It seems very hard but when placed on a piece of 400grit paper and lapped, it goes fairly quickly and produces a grey white powder. When wet it looks the same as when dry. The edges were sealed with something like varnish. When I sanded the sides it looked like it has dark lines. There were no saw marks on the stone on either the sides or the bottom.
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Well, I still don't know what this stone is, but after using it for almost a week and refreshing the edge on my razor every day, just to see the results, I have come to the conclusion that it is not a finishing stone. The edge has become less sharp to the point where the shave is barely passable and the edge feels very slightly catching when dried on a towel. Thanks for all the help from everyone who posted. Mack
If you where touching it up everyday, you might have and You didn't hear me say this, you might have over honed it. *Can of worms opened* I still believe this is a jnat. But if you touched your razor up everyday you might have made the edge so thin that as you where shaving with it the edge probably just crumbled as it became very keen. This is just my opinion though.
Nah. I have been shaving and honing for almost 30 years now with a straight. It is not over honed. I put it on my 12K and it is perfect now.
The black Escher? Your stone is a odd size for a Escher, but I have not seen all of them either. You should send it out to someone who knowledgable about stones and see what they think.
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