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New Russian Razors

I just stumbled onto this: it looks like there's a factory in Russia making DE razors. I may be wrong, I can't read the site, but here it is:


Yes you can read it. They have the option to read it in English at the top. Unfortunately the Product section in Enlish doesn't work. All their Agents is over in Eastern Europe and Middle East.

But thanks for that link. I'm glad I can read Russian. :001_smile

Рапира Platinum Lux is the only DE I saw on their website. Рапира = Rapira so you know.
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LOL @ Babelfish's translation of the description of that razor:

"Classical the metallic, immune to corrosion, extra-heavy machine tool for the shave with the plastic cover plates of knob, which has the simple and reliable mechanism of the fixation of blade, with the use of any classical blades, produced in the world, will ensure the unique cleanliness of shave and the comfort of use."
I can read a bit of Russian, but not enough to know what it means :biggrin:. Google to the rescue:


That razor looks awesome. Very futuristic, stainless steel and plastic.

funny, I was thinking it was looking very commie-era... very blocky and functional. not graceful/artistic. Still, it's a tempting thought to get my hands on one. I may have to check with my Polish contacts and see if it's available over there. (most likely not, but can't hurt to ask).
If you want a decent translator, here you go.


Just copy and paste in the box. You can select a few language options. Its not perfect, but it will get the meaning across pretty good. From their description in Russian.

Классический металлический, не подверженный коррозии, исключительно прочный станок для бритья с пластиковыми накладками ручки, имеющий простой и надёжный механизм фиксации лезвия, при использовании любых классических лезвий, производимых в мире, обеспечит неповторимую чистоту бритья и комфортность пользования.

Translator I linked with above translated to English:

Classical metal, not subject to corrosion, exclusively strong machine tool for shaving with plastic overlays of the handle, the having simple and reliable mechanism of fixing of an edge, at use of any classical edges made in the world, will provide unique cleanliness of shaving and comfort of using.
funny, I was thinking it was looking very commie-era... very blocky and functional. not graceful/artistic. Still, it's a tempting thought to get my hands on one. I may have to check with my Polish contacts and see if it's available over there. (most likely not, but can't hurt to ask).

It looks like a razor from a not so distant, dystopian future. The logo reminds me of the OCP logo from Robocop :biggrin:.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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Those look saavy, I wonder if they do an open comb version and where one would buy it...
If you click the word "Вперёд" (I am guessing its obviously next), there is another all plastic razor and atleast 4 different DE blades with various brand names Rapira, Voskhod and Ladas...
I remember those words were used as directions (from my limited understanding of Russian).

Назад - "nazad" means back and Вперёд - "vperyod" means forward :001_smile.


Besides the fact that these razors mentioned are "different", I don't see a great benefit to them. Hard to get. Cost more than they should most likely, and, don't most of us already have our favorites? If they became readily available on ebay and less expensive they may gain some notice.
Besides the fact that these razors mentioned are "different", I don't see a great benefit to them. Hard to get. Cost more than they should most likely, and, don't most of us already have our favorites? If they became readily available on ebay and less expensive they may gain some notice.
It's called "Razor Acquisition Disorder" for a reason...
I contacted my friend in Ukraine and she is looking to get her hands on a couple of those, will keep you guys posted with the progress
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