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new Plisson is shedding

Hi. I used my Plisson HMW shaving brush about 5 times and every time it was shedding 2-6 hairs. Is this normally in the early stages or is something wrong with it? My Vulfix cost about ten times less and was never shedding.
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I would say its somewhat normal. The denser brushes tend to shed more in the beginning because its hard to fleece out all the loose hairs when being made. But if it continues to shed, I'd call the vendor back and tell them whats going on.
I've never had a shedding problem with a Plisson although it can happen with any brush maker. I'd give it another week or so and if still shedding, contact the vendor.
Thanks guys for your replies. It has lost ten hairs at a single blow two days ago, so that I returned it to the vendor. Now it will be replaced for free.
So far, I've purchased 3 shaving brushes, and of all brushes only the by far most expensive Plisson HMW wasn't blameless, what a bummer!


"Proper Bob"
Let us know how the exchange with the vendor goes. The best insurance you have against a faulty brush (or any other product for that matter) is a solid/trustworthy vendor. Good luck.
I'm glad you got it worked out. I've had my #16 HMW for a good four years now, and I don't recall it ever shedding a single hair. Conversely, my more recent Vulfix-made CH2 was quite a shedder at the outset, such that I was worried I might have to return it, but it finally settled down. That indicates that sometimes a bit of shedding at the beginning isn't necessarily a disaster. But in your case, I think you did the right thing.
Let us know how the exchange with the vendor goes. The best insurance you have against a faulty brush (or any other product for that matter) is a solid/trustworthy vendor. Good luck.

I will get a new one for free. I purchased it on rasageplisson.com, it's the official site of Plisson. Their service is very customer-friendly. I can barely wait to get my new Plisson! And this time hopefully a non-shedder.
I've received the new Plisson today, but I had to pay the value added tax anew! Now I've paid two times VAT, but I'm in possession of ONE Plisson brush. Wouldn't the vendor have to declare this brush as a "replacement" to avoid the VAT for me?
That would make much more sense. I wonder why they didn't... I would imagine VAT is pretty high on something like a Plisson brush.
I've received the new Plisson today, but I had to pay the value added tax anew! Now I've paid two times VAT, but I'm in possession of ONE Plisson brush. Wouldn't the vendor have to declare this brush as a "replacement" to avoid the VAT for me?

Ouch! Sorry you had to do that. That doesn't seem right at all! Perhaps the vendor can credit you?
Definitely seems wrong. I'm no tax expert, especially outside the U.S., but if VAT functions like a sales tax, it should only apply to purchases. Was the replacement completely free of charge? If so, I cannot see how a second taxation is warranted, since it was not a purchase. How did they charge you for it? Did Plisson make it a condition of the replacement?
You should definitely not be paying the VAT twice. You may have to pay shipping charges depending on Plisson's policy, but you've only purchased one item. Regardless of Plisson's bookeeping methods, you should only be taxed once.
In fact, I'm not even sure you should be paying the VAT at all. Switzerland is not a member of the European Union. I was under the impression that items exported out of the EU are exempt from VAT. In any dealings I've had with the UK or Germany, VAT has been deducted from my invoice at source. I'm not familiar with France's tax system. You may have to fill out a form to claim the original VAT back and I'm not sure who you would file it with.

- Peter
I was very busy this morning and just paid the VAT/sales tax in the post office. Now I've seen that in the documents the shipping was declared as a replacement, so the vendor isn't to blame for anything, but rather the Swiss customs administration, which has overlooked the declaration and charged me the 2nd time for the same VAT. But I'm very confident of getting my money back.

And yes, as a Swiss (non EU-member) I never pay VAT or sales taxes to the foreign vendor, when I purchase shaving items on the internet. But I have to pay the VAT/sales tax to Switzerland for the import, and in Switzerland the post takes this duty on.
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Good. Now let's hope the brush is everything it's supposed to be and let us know.

- Peter

I've used today my luxury setup and the Plisson performed gorgeous! Didn't shed any hair and lathered like a world champion. This is how we like it :001_tt1:
Yeah, when I use my Plisson and T&H shaving soap I feel like a King :lol: I mean both brands had famous clients including the French Royal Family and the British Royal Family respectively :laugh:

I laugh when I think about the whole "royal" thing touted by these companies, like somehow that's going to make a product better for my own personal use. The French Royal Family had Louis XVI, and the British Royal Family has Prince Charles. 'Nuff said.
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