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New member, longtime DE shaver.

Just checking in to say, "Hi!" and also offer my thanks for the information I found here about bringing an old Gillette "Fat Boy" F4 back to life. I've been using it for a bit and it started getting sticky trying to lock in a blade. Rather than soak the whole thing I used a GUM Blue (large) inter-tooth brush and some dish soap to clean out the buildup under the blade platform. Viola! It locks again. Thank you!
Rather than soak the whole thing I used a GUM Blue (large) inter-tooth brush and some dish soap to clean out the buildup under the blade platform.
I occasionally run a Proxabrush through my Slim and a QShave Futur clone, but just with hot water after a shave.
Also behind the spring on my Schick Injectors.
I occasionally run a Proxabrush through my Slim and a QShave Futur clone, but just with hot water after a shave.
Also behind the spring on my Schick Injectors.
I use the very same brush for cleaning out the touch hole when out shooting any of my muzzleloading rifles or muskets.
Ketland Fusil3.jpg
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