What's new

"New" ID help please.

I bought this "New" not too long ago and it is different from the others that I own. For one it has a thinner handle than the typical bar, but what got me was that the knurling doesn't go all the way to the top. Also the head has no patent numbers like the other news that I own. Any info on this one would be greatly appreciated. Cheers.


Nice find! The Krumholz book still refers to it as a Bar Handle with "rare variant" slim style. Love these razors! The box looks pretty good too! The Red and Black box's don't seem to "weather" all that well compared to others.
Looks like the handle from an otto roth.

I don't know these can be dated exactly....always safe to call it mid 30's :) The Black and Red reference in the Krumholz book talks of Gillette pushing these sets in 38 as the introduction of the tto razors was catching on.
The Red and Black sets were marketed from the mid to late 1930's as a low cost set with "five Gillette Blue Blades and a gold-plated Gillette razor." I have seen the sets with eight or nine different variations of NEW and Goodwill razors.
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